TBMM suggested upping safety measures in 2010

ANKARA — The Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) in 2010 established a Parliamentary Investigation Commission and prepared a report which addressed threats posed by methane gas in the Soma basin. It stated that work needs to be done to address methane drainage. The report was prepared to assess numerous issues related to the mining sector in Turkey and precautions that must be taken in the industry. It concluded that "Occupational health and safety issues in Turkey are intertwined with the country's general socioeconomic development, educational status and unemployment issues."Noting that it is necessary to extend occupational health and safety measures in all mining institutions including those which operate with subcontractors, the report said that it is crucial to train occupational safety specialists to address the needs of the sector.It was also suggested that inspections conducted in such workplaces be guiding factors for both employees and employers, and should be based on an informative, protective and preventive approach in efforts to create permanent precautionary measures.The report noted that there was a visit by inspectors to Soma on March 25, 2010 and findings suggested that there had been only a few accidents in the coal field. The findings also showed that the mine was operating at a short depth but methane risks may increase once it went deeper. The report suggested that the Soma basin be surveyed and stated that the cost of operating the mine had increased when the Soma Mining Company hired numerous rescue crews.On a different note, the Republican People Party (CHP) a few weeks ago requested that the TBMM investigate the working conditions of miners in Soma, but the motion was rejected by the Parliament.