Oct. 7: Israel's perfect reason to 'kill them all'
Relatives of the Abu Samak family pray near the bodies of four of their relatives, killed earlier the same day, following an Israeli airstrike that hit their house in Deir al-Balah, central Gaza Strip, Palestine, Sept. 23, 2024. (EPA Photo)

On the pretext of terrorist attacks, powerful states have begun the 'war on terror,' which has become the 'war of terror,' destroying nations

The first anniversary of the Oct. 7 attacks is fast approaching. What lessons did we learn after nearly a year of war and bloodshed? Events like 9/11, July 7, 2005, and Oct. 7, 2023, have transformed the global political, social and economic landscape.

Terrorism instigates once powerful nations, be it America on 9/11, Britain on July 7 and a year ago, Israel on Oct. 7. The rest is not terrorism but the "right to self-defense" and the reason for the legal slaughter of innocent, unarmed civilians.

On the pretext of terrorist attacks, powerful states have begun the "war on terror," which has become the "war of terror," destroying nations, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Pakistan. Surprisingly, why did the world's top intelligencers fail to halt attacks? Oct. 7 became the third major event that has turned Gaza into rubble. A horrible genocide is underway, yet the powerful elites are in denial mode and unwilling to accept a cease-fire.

On Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas killed 1,200 Israeli civilians; the event received wider condemnation from Muslim leaders globally. Since then, Oct. 7 has become a synonym for the word "terror," as everyone appeared on the Piers Morgan TV Show "Uncensored" was asked, "Do you condemn Hamas' brutal act of October?" – including Jewish professor Norman Finkelstein, British politician Jeremy Corbyn, social media star Andrew Tate and columnist Owen Jones. Put simply, since the 9/11 and July 7 attacks in New York and London, the West began to present contemporary terrorism as a brand-new philosophy; if a powerful nation, individual or group comes under attack, its terrorism is a heinous crime that should be condemned and punished. Recently, the Republican politician and former U.S. prudential candidate Nikki Haley publically and proudly wrote, "Finish them" on artillery shells reserved for Gaza and "denounced international efforts to stop the war on Gaza." Of course, Haley is not alone in believing it's OK to kill Palestinian children; Republican Congressman Andy Ogles said, "We should kill them all."

Can Piers Morgan invite Haley and Ogles to his TV show and ask them a fair question: Do you condemn the Israeli army slaughtering of over 12,000 innocent Palestinian children?

Today, many mainstream established experts avoid using the "genocide" phrase in the context of the ongoing slaughter in Gaza. It is all about power elites who design and disseminate discourses and narratives that twist oppressors and present them as victims.

Remember Malcolm X, who said: "The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that is power. Because they control the minds of the masses."

As you walk on the highway leading to truth discovery, you will notice the media is complicit in redesigning the discourse on terrorism. The majority of us only know about 9/11 and New York, but how many times does mainstream media talk about "The other 9/11."

Not to be surprised to witness "Israel’s power on global media reality or illusion?" as "anyone who dares challenge Israeli’s deceit and disinformation relating to the Israeli government's actions in Gaza, its raids on Al-Aqsa Mosque, or continuous imprisonment of millions of people will face the wrath of those in power, even if the critics are of the Jewish faith."

Human lives are not equal. Look at the mainstream Western media reporting of the Israel-Palestine current conflict; the word "hostages" is reserved for Israelis in Hamas captivity as James North argues, "some of the captured Israelis are soldiers, who should properly be called 'prisoners of war,' especially as Benjamin Netanyahu has declared war on Gaza."

North rightly figured it out: "Other captured Israelis are civilians, and hence, the word 'hostages' seems appropriate. Nevertheless, North and many leading critics have raised a fundamental point: "This conflict didn’t start at 6:30 a.m. on Oct. 7. Israel has occupied both West Bank Palestine and Gaza for nearly 60 years."

Until today, academics, politicians, clergies, media houses and TV anchors are all engaged in a fearsome hypothetical battle to support the Israeli government narrative or a handful of analysts, in contrast, struggling to unearth the realities. Since Oct. 7, 2023, I have gathered, archived, read and analyzed over 400 newspaper articles, short documentaries, reports and comment pieces to figure out the significance and role in the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

The American Jewish Committee believes: "In October, Hamas terrorists waged the deadliest on Jews since the Holocaust-slaughtering babies, raping women, burning whole families alive and taking hundreds of innocent civilians hostage. Since Oct. 7, more than 1,200 Israelis have been killed. Terrorists are still holding 109 men, women and children in captivity."

Al-Jazeera’s Richard Sanders and its investigative unit applied a "forensic analysis" of the "Oct. 7 event" and detected a series of "stories that came out in the days following the attack were false." Brett Wilkins's report reveals the truth after an Israeli captive, Noa Argamani, "slamming Israeli media lies, freed hostage says IDF strike-not Hamas-wounded her." Argamani further said, "As a victim of Oct. 7, I refuse to be victimized once again by the media."

The occurrence of Oct. 7 is surely highly condemnable, however, the Israeli government is using tactics to convince the world that terrorism was born on that day, and not in 1948.

The leading Israeli newspaper Haaretz report read: "All of Israel’s intelligence and operational systems collapsed; all of its political conceptions were proven false. In the space of 24 hours, Israelis lost faith that their state could protect them." Further, Haaretz questioned official narratives of Oct. 7 that it believed "are incomplete, missing crucial details about the sequences of events of that day." Since then, several leading investigative journalists, known academics and liberal media outlets have constantly questioned the authenticity and credibility of the Israeli government’s official narrative, including Britain’s’ prominent journalist, Owen Jones, podcast "Oct. 7: The whole story finally revealed."

Anyone who attempts to disclose, investigate or question the veiled Israeli mendacities should be ready to face the consequences. The deaths and dismissals of journalists, academics, politicians and activists are evidence of Israel’s unconditional power to discredit any efforts to find truth.

Haaretz's editorial, "Why is Israel afraid to allow foreign journalists in Gaza? What’s it hiding?" is a timely reminder of the Oct.7 reality. So far, Israel and its friends in the West have failed to show forensic evidence of beheaded babies and raped women. Judith Levine wrote, "There was no cover-up of Hamas sexual violence on Oct. 7. The right manufactured it, the media and feminists bought it in and Israel is exploiting the outcry."

As time passes, the human cost of a never-ending conflict is rising. Many leading liberal voices in the West, along with millions of ordinary people, are questioning why Israel wants to erase context and history in the war on Gaza. In brief, the belief that Hamas' attack on Oct. 7 happened without provocation or justification of any kind and therefore warranted the genocidal assaults on Gaza that have followed is losing its influence.

About 50 leading journalism professors in America have written a letter to The New York Times and urged a "review NYT story on Oct.7 sexual violence" and "to remove ‘cloud of doubt.’" So far, the Israeli government and its allies in the West and America have tried to convince the world’s academics, journalists, experts and activists that their new terrorism discourse is valid.