Netanyahu's parallel war in the West Bank
An image of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seen as people take part in a protest demanding the immediate release of hostages kidnapped during the Oct. 7 attack, in Tel Aviv, Israel, June 10, 2024. (Reuters Photo)

Attention to West Bank atrocities must not waver, thwarting Netanyahu's bid to extinguish Palestinian statehood aspirations

In the midst of persistent violence and tragedies unfolding in Gaza, the world is largely oblivious to Israel's parallel conflict in the West Bank. While not as overtly brutal and barbarous as Gaza, this simmering conflict poses a threat that could spark unrest, destabilize the Palestinian Authority, and create conditions conducive to ethnic cleansing. For years Israel has been engaged in an effort to seize land, target civilians, demolish homes and expand settlements throughout the West Bank.

On March 22, Israel's Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich unveiled plans for the largest West Bank land seizure since 1993, designating 800 hectares (1,977 acres) in the occupied territory as state land. This move will pave the way for increased settlement construction in the area. The decision to designate land in the Jordan Valley as state property mirrors a previous designation of 300 hectares (740 acres) in the Maale Adumim region, a move contested by Palestinians who view it as encroachment on territory essential for their envisioned independent state. Furthermore, military operations and unjust detentions have heightened tensions while extremist Israeli settlers carry out acts of terror against Palestinians without impunity. This systematic oppression not only defies international law but also perpetuates a cycle of suffering and injustice. With global attention remaining fixated on Gaza, it is crucial to expose Israel's actions in the West Bank and demand accountability for these violations of rights and dignity.

Instances of Israeli aggression in the West Bank have drastically surged following the formation of Benjamin Netanyahu's ultra-right government in December 2022. With the inclusion of hardliners like Ben Gvir in his Cabinet, known for their extreme views, Netanyahu tacitly condoned their anti-Palestinian sentiments and discriminatory policies. The repercussions have been dire, as both the Palestinian Authority (PA) and West Bank residents endure the brunt of this malicious agenda, designed to undermine the very concept of Palestinian statehood. The rise in extremist rhetoric and actions poses a grave threat to regional stability and the prospects for peace. Netanyahu's government has emboldened hardline factions, exacerbating tensions and perpetuating cycles of violence. Since Oct. 7, the Palestinian refugee camps have been raided by the Israeli military on a daily basis in the West Bank. The consequences have been devastating: over 544 Palestinians have lost their lives and more than 4,900 have been injured. According to the Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem, approximately 100 of the fatalities resulting from Israeli military actions in the West Bank have been children, who did not pose any discernible threat to the well-equipped soldiers of one of the world's most formidable armies.

Israeli arrests, violence surge, deepening West Bank Apartheid

More than 7,350 West Bank Palestinians have been arrested by Israel during the Gaza war. The troubling reality extends beyond the mere impunity with which these killings occur; it encompasses the pervasive dehumanization and humiliation that Palestinians endure as part of their daily existence under occupation. This pattern of violence perpetuates a cycle of fear, despair, and resentment, further complicating prospects for peace and reconciliation in the region. The deliberate targeting of infrastructure by Israel has caused widespread destruction, including damage to public roads, electric transformers, water pipes, private property, and cellphone towers, among other vital assets. Furthermore, instances of Jewish settler violence have surged since early last year. Ben Gvir's dangerous rhetoric has further exacerbated the situation, emboldening and militarizing over 800,000 settlers to commit violence against Palestinians with impunity. Palestinians and human rights advocates worldwide have characterized Israeli policy in the West Bank as tantamount to "apartheid."

At the same time, Tel Aviv is employing various strategies to weaken the financial stability of the Palestinian Authority. Palestinians in the West Bank will be economically strangulated if far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich follows through on threats to sever a crucial banking route next month. Since Oct. 7, Israel has intensified economic restrictions on the Palestinian Authority, withholding tax revenues it collects on its behalf. Smotrich, ostensibly protesting the PA’s alleged policy of making payments to "terrorists" and their families, announced last week the redirection of $35 million in PA tax revenues to the families of terror victims – a move that drew condemnation from the United States. This financial maneuver adds another layer of tension, potentially destabilizing an already fraught relationship. As economic pressures mount, the future of Israeli-PA relations hangs in the balance, with significant implications for regional stability and diplomatic engagement.

Finance Minister Smotrich's blockade of tax funds to the PA aims to hasten its collapse, notwithstanding its dwindling popularity among Palestinians. Yet, the PA remains the sole recognized entity representing Palestinians in the occupied territories. Netanyahu faces a dilemma: whether to dismantle the PA or sustain it for security coordination purposes. Netanyahu has long opposed the two-state solution and the Oslo Accords. He is now courting Israel's conservatives by vowing to never concede to a Palestinian state or relinquish Israeli security control. His current agenda focuses on isolating East Jerusalem from the West Bank, compelling Arab residents to leave via economic pressure and intimidation. Additionally, he wants to annex West Bank territories, specifically Area C, leaving Palestinians confined to enclaves like Nablus and Hebron. Refugee camps would be subjected to suffocation, prompting abandonment. Netanyahu's strategy undermines Palestinian sovereignty and entrenches Israeli dominance over historical Palestine.

Netanyahu's calculated maneuvers

As the world remains fixated on Gaza and Rafah, the West Bank's fate hangs in the balance as a linchpin for any prospective Palestinian state. Netanyahu and his allies harbor ambitions of annexing swathes of the West Bank, relegating Palestinians to isolated enclaves. This strategic move is aimed at transforming Gaza into a desert exodus while pushing West Bank Palestinians toward Jordan. Netanyahu, eyeing a potential snap election, is seeking to cement his legacy by realizing a far-right vision in both territories, a stark contrast to the failures of Oct. 7. Leveraging his grasp of U.S. politics, he anticipates exploiting U.S. President Joe Biden's precarious position, using any perceived abandonment of Israel to his advantage. With U.S. elections on the horizon, Netanyahu aims to prolong Gaza's conflict while extinguishing hope for a cohesive Palestinian state in the West Bank. This calculated maneuver reflects his desire to cling to power, irrespective of the consequences for regional stability.

Despite domestic turmoil, Netanyahu has eluded accountability, perpetuating violence in Gaza and the West Bank. Dismissing Biden's advocacy for a two-state solution and defying the International Court of Justice, Netanyahu remains unyielding.

Meanwhile, tensions have escalated in the West Bank as Israeli forces shift focus from Gaza, stoking fears of upheaval. Palestinian unrest could serve the agenda of Netanyahu and his cohorts, potentially reshaping the regional landscape. The West Bank's fate is pivotal; its loss would render the two-state solution obsolete. Under Netanyahu's leadership, such a prospect of two-state appears increasingly remote. International intervention is imperative to counter his agenda.

Attention to West Bank atrocities must not waver, thwarting Netanyahu's bid to extinguish Palestinian statehood aspirations. International solidarity against Netanyahu's plan is essential to preserve prospects for peace. As the international community grapples with the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza and the West Bank, it must also confront the underlying factors driving Israeli aggression and work toward a just and lasting solution that upholds the rights and dignity of all parties involved.