Multidimensional growth: Essential dynamics of postal strategy
"The concept of postal services has changed significantly, expanding beyond its traditional nature and scope to acquire a dynamic and modern identity." (Reuters Photo)

Until recently, the postal sector had a limited range of services generating revenue. This narrow scope persisted from the establishment of the first postal administrations up to modern times. However, with ongoing technological change and development, postal operators, central to daily life, have begun to evolve and present themselves to customers with a new, adaptive identity.

The past 30 years have seen significant developments that have reshaped the industry. Previously, postal services primarily focused on logistics and transportation, such as courier and cargo services. Today, however, they have expanded into a broader and more diverse range of service channels, emerging as a multifaceted industry catering to a wider array of needs.

The concept of postal services has changed significantly, expanding beyond its traditional nature and scope to acquire a dynamic and modern identity. We are currently in a pivotal period of transition from the conventional, often stagnant, postal service model to one characterized by innovation. This redefined postal concept involves operators striving to keep pace with changes, adopting business practices that emphasize dynamism, a skilled and motivated workforce and a customer- and citizen-centric service philosophy.

As a result, the postal industry's focus has shifted to multidimensional growth, which involves expanding into different service channels. The primary concern for postal operators is identifying new service channels that can achieve this growth target and developing methods to make it feasible.

At this juncture, there is a need for an up-to-date methodology of postal service, which can be referred to as the modern postal identity. Equally important is how this fresh approach will be formulated and implemented. A comprehensive understanding and assimilation of the reasons – the triggers of this new process – are essential to developing an effective postal roadmap.

Success in this evolving landscape will belong to postal operators that adapt their existing services to contemporary demands and work earnestly to develop new revenue streams.

Business models, trust

Trust serves as a paramount social business value, acting as a catalyst in this transformative process. Throughout history, postal services have held a vital role in human life. Post offices have traditionally been situated in the heart of urban centers, serving as hubs where individuals receive correspondence from loved ones or official entities and dispatch their own mail to recipients near and far.

In the past, postal stations were strategically positioned at intervals along key roads, essentially forming early Turkish postal networks. Notably, each center housed postal transport vehicles (horses) ready for immediate dispatch, highlighting the utmost importance of speed in ensuring timely delivery to recipients. Speed thus emerged as the cornerstone of trust in traditional postal operations.

The mail entrusted by individuals to the postal network was not merely an object but a symbol of trust, ensuring timely and secure delivery to recipients. The postal system was revered as a reliable institution, with trust emerging as its most prized asset—an enduring bond that has persisted to this day.

Amid rapid technological advancements, the understanding of trust within postal services must evolve to meet future demands. Just as trust was cultivated through postal services in the past, we are now witnessing efforts to sustain this trust in novel ways within the postal landscape. Innovative postal services, underpinned by a renewed sense of trust and identity, are poised to enhance human life and address contemporary needs across various dimensions.

In this context, it is imperative to address the significant role of today's technology in shaping postal services and the strategies required to establish, maintain or sustain trust within the digital realm. Just as ensuring sustainable energy supplies is crucial for the world's progress, maintaining sustainable trust is equally vital in the competitive landscape of the postal industry.

As the postal sector undergoes a digital transformation, maintaining trust requires a diverse approach encompassing speed, dedication, sincerity and attentiveness to human needs. These values are essential for fostering trust in the evolving postal landscape. To ensure that trust remains a cornerstone of Türkiye's postal culture and identity in this new era, it is imperative to convey this commitment to excellence through a dynamic corporate strategy. Technological advancements and additional services will then be built upon this foundation of trust.

Trust serves as the cornerstone upon which postal operators are built, constituting an invaluable asset with far-reaching financial, economic and social implications. It stands as the most esteemed brand, enabling leading postal operators and logistics companies to expand their revenues through technologically advanced services while fostering trust through socially resonant messaging.

The advent of the digital era and the evolution of new technologies are set to significantly impact the postal industry. In particular, the development of data storage and processing capabilities is driving the emergence of unique service approaches tailored to individuals or specific groups. Despite the challenges posed to traditional services by these innovations, postal operators possess core values that can position them as influential players in the evolving digital landscape, where customer-centricity remains preeminent.

Emphasizing the quality of customer service and leveraging well-analyzed customer insights are crucial steps toward both achieving a prominent position in the economy and diversifying service offerings. This entails not only expanding access to a broader customer base but also enhancing the depth and breadth of services offered to meet evolving customer needs.

While older generations, accustomed to traditional postal services, typically exhibit a higher level of trust in postal operators, the same cannot be assumed for younger demographics. Therefore, initiatives tailored to the needs and preferences of younger age groups, such as those implemented at university campuses nationwide, are crucial in fostering trust and engagement among this demographic.

It is encouraging to observe initiatives aimed at fostering connections between children and the postal service garnering positive attention, as they underscore the social role that postal operators should actively pursue. This engagement highlights the importance of integrating social initiatives into the core functions of postal services, reinforcing their role as direct facilitators of social well-being.

Key considerations

In order to sustain trust in the future, it is imperative for postal services to efficiently and seamlessly deliver social services to citizens. Despite the pervasive influence of digitalization on the postal industry, it's essential to recognize that not all services can be provided solely through digital means. Services requiring human interaction should not be overlooked.

Postal services encompass a broad spectrum, and it's essential for all government departments to collaborate in the exploration and implementation of new postal services.

In the ongoing process of change and transformation, it is crucial to assess the extent to which postal operators are adapting. A community- and people-centered approach should guide the provision of postal services.

Emphasis should be placed on achieving both vertical and horizontal growth to establish postal services on a multidimensional foundation. Vertical growth involves reclassifying and revising existing services to align with contemporary technical conditions and human needs. Vertical growth, in this context, pertains to digitalization. With increasing internet usage and mobile phone penetration rates, digital solutions are expected to enhance the value proposition of postal operators.

Similar to the imperative of urban transformation, postal operators must also modernize their physical network to ensure speed, efficiency and service quality.

Trust should be viewed as the binding agent that integrates traditional services with the evolving needs of new generations. In the digital age, where societal dynamics are rapidly changing, maintaining trust requires a nuanced approach that adapts to shifting landscapes and customer expectations.

A critical self-assessment should be prompted by the question: "Are we meeting the expectations of our customers?" This introspection should encompass various areas, including the sustained decline in traditional postal services, challenges in diversifying service offerings, difficulties in reclaiming lost market share in the realm of letters, inadequate planning and marketing initiatives, as well as deficiencies in engagement with other postal operators and external stakeholders.

In the past, establishing and nurturing trust between postal administrations and customers was relatively straightforward, as it was based on direct and mutual communication. However, in today's increasingly complex and evolving societies, maintaining trust as an enduring value presents growing challenges.

Unlike in the past, where customers were required to visit postal administrations, today's expectation is for postal operators to proactively reach out to customers, particularly through digital platforms and services. For this reason, the transformation in the concept of trust must align with future needs and expectations.