Heroizing terrorism: A short history of Zionist terror organizations
Copies of "Counterfire" are displayed at a stand at the pro-Palestinian "National March to Labour's Conference: End the Genocide in Gaza – Stop Arming Israel" on the eve of Britain's Labour Party Conference in Liverpool, U.K., Sept. 21, 2024. (AFP Photo)

Ironically, despite their long history of worldwide terrorism, Zionists today are the ones accusing Hamas and Hezbollah of violence

When following the programs in the British and American media about the genocide in Gaza in the last year, one thing that is often seen is the fact that Israel was founded by terrorist organizations and that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's party came into being by transforming a terrorist organization into a political party is often ignored. In fact, the Irgun and Haganah Zionist terrorist organizations were decisive in the emergence of an Israeli state with their terrorist acts, and David Ben-Gurion from Haganah became the first prime minister of Israel, while Irgun leader Menachem Begin became the sixth prime minister. Begin is also the founder of today's Likud, the party of Netanyahu.

Likud is the final form of the Herut Party, and this party emerged when Begin transformed the Irgun organization into a political party. Despite this, in contrast to those who constantly put forward Hamas and Hizbullah, which they consider to be terrorist organizations, to defend Israel's genocide today and in the past, we see almost no one, except for very few, that remind us of the Irgun and Haganah and respond strongly about them.

Zionist terror on Brits

However, Britain and America themselves had considered Irgun and Haganah terrorists at one time. The actions they carried out were also unquestionably and undoubtedly acts of terror. For example, one of these was the attack by the Irgun on various British police stations east of Haifa on Sept. 27, 1944, in the days before World War II finally ended. They injured many people with the bombings they carried out. The British administrator in the region, J. V. W. Shaw, and General Sir Bernard Paget issued a statement saying that "crimes of violence were committed by Jewish terrorists."

The statement continued with a general summary of the actions of the Jewish terrorists: "Officers and men of the security services have been murdered in cold blood and shot while doing their duty in defense of life and property; innocent passers-by have been killed. Government buildings to the value of scores of thousands of pounds have been destroyed by explosives and fire..."

They also carried out many terrorist acts in addition to the incident I chose for the anniversary. The leader of another Jewish terrorist organization, Lehi, was Yitzhak Shamir. Shamir later served as Israel’s foreign minister for a long time and also became the country’s seventh prime minister. One of his most famous acts during his leadership of terror in Lehi was the assassination of Lord Moyne, Britain’s Minister of Middle Eastern Affairs, in Cairo. This act, which he personally planned, took place on Nov. 6, 1944.

On Sept. 23, 1945, with Ben-Gurion's approval, the Haganah, Irgun and Lehi terrorist organizations merged. After this, joint operations began to bomb buildings belonging to the British and to blow up railways and bridges. Even the second floor of the building where the British intelligence officers lived was bombed. The Allenby Bridge was blown up.

The Allied terrorist organizations carried out their most successful action on Feb. 25-26, 1946. They caused damage worth 2 million pounds in operations against three British Royal Air Force (RAF) air bases. The Jewish terrorists destroyed many of the British aircraft, including the Avro Anson type that the British were proud of in World War II, and despite carrying out such a large-scale action, only one of their members was killed. Immediately after this, on March 6, they infiltrated their base dressed as British soldiers and loaded their vehicles with a significant amount of weapons. Two members who were caught during the action were officially sentenced to death for terrorism!

On April 25, 1946, Jewish organizations, including female terrorists, attacked British soldiers and killed 7 of them. In June, the Irgun kidnapped 6 British officers.

The British, tired of being terrorized so much, finally launched an operation called Agatha on June 29, 1946, with 17,000 soldiers, against Jewish targets that they had identified, and arrested around 2,700 Jews. The connection between the Jewish Agency, which Ben-Gurion headed at the time, and the terrorist organizations has been established with irrefutable evidence.

Thereupon, the terrorists targeted the King David Hotel, the British administrative and military headquarters. A neighboring building housed the British Army police and the Special Investigations Branch. After weeks of work, they managed to sneak into the building from the kitchen, dressed as Arabs and planted the bombs. The explosion killed 91 people. This incident on July 22, 1946, is probably the most famous terrorist act of the Jewish terrorist organizations. The Irgun claimed direct responsibility for the incident.

The deaths of some Jews in the building caused a reaction within the organization and a division occurred. Haganah then focused on bringing in illegal immigrants. Thus, Haganah's terrorist activities against the British came to an end after approximately nine months. Irgun and Lehi would continue their activities.

Archive records also show that hand grenades hidden by Jewish terrorists in a school in Tel Aviv were seized and photographed by the British and published. This is significant to think about these days.

In short, the father and raison d'etre of Netanyahu's party, the Irgun terrorist organization, has killed and dismembered many English people, and bombed almost all kinds of places, from military vehicles to public buildings, along with other organizations. They had British Prime Minister Winston Churchill's close friend and a British minister shot like a stray dog. They were also recognized as terrorists by the British authorities, and some of their members who were caught were even sentenced to death for terrorism.

Pro-Palestinian protesters stand next to a cardboard cutout of Britain's Prime Minister Keir Starmer covered in red hand prints during the "National March to Labour's Conference: End the Genocide in Gaza – Stop Arming Israel" on the eve of Britain's Labour Party Conference in Liverpool, U.K., Sept. 21, 2024. (AFP Photo)

As if under hypnosis

That being the case, for a British person to try to justify Netanyahu’s actions by considering them as Israel’s right to defend itself is nothing other than the most disgraceful lack of character and treason against their ancestors. What they did is like saying, "You did a good thing by massacring our soldiers and bombing our buildings. You are completely right to seize power from the British administrators by engaging in terrorism. Since we defend the power you gained through terror, we also see you as right in your efforts to spread it through terror, Sir."

Because of all these terrorist activities, the fact that they praise terrorist organization leaders and that they have political movements that are the continuation of those organizations, whenever the Zionists try to bring Hamas and terrorism together, whenever they say that they are fighting against terrorism, the word "terror" should be immediately stuffed back into their mouths.

Likewise, it should be underlined that when Israel tries to legitimize the massacre they committed in Lebanon under the guise of "fighting terrorism," the fact that they were founded by terrorists and they see them as their heroes must be emphasized. So, it has to be shown clearly that it means nothing when they say they are against terrorism.

On the other hand, it should be noted that those who attempt to normalize these terrorist organizations, their leaders and their successors such as the Likud, are implicitly calling on all terrorist organizations in the world to do the following: "Be patient, persevere in terrorism with all your efforts. When you reach your goal and become a state or integrate with a state, all of you and all your actions will be excused and you'll even made heroes!"

No matter how much time passes and no matter how much effort is made to normalize the situation in Israel, the region will never normalize because it is not normal for terrorist organizations and their leaders to be heroized and accepted. The "I will bomb you if you don't do what I want" mentality is taken from the Irgun and other terrorist organizations and continued by the Likud and others. The mentality of "If I deem it necessary, I will assassinate you even if you are a British Minister," remains intact. Therefore, criticizing only the massacre on the agenda and some individuals in Israel does not mean anything. They come from a background intertwined with terrorism and yet they shamelessly resort to the rhetoric of "fighting terrorism." This is unacceptable.

Saying "I don’t approve either" when "Hamas and terrorism" are mentioned or being content with clarifying by saying "What Hamas is doing is defending its country" is, in a way, just remaining in a defensive position in the face of this aggressive discourse. Primarily, they should be called to account for the Irgun, Haganah and Lehi, and their leaders and their heroization of them. It should be thrown in their faces that if the Irgun is normalized, Hamas, which has a ton of differences between them, would be normalized for sure. It should be noted that the very standards they put forward for Jewish terrorist organizations and their leaders will also normalize Hamas, and therefore, they are in contradiction.