Why would a Turk support Trump?
Former U.S. President Donald Trump attends an event following his arraignment on classified document charges, at Trump National Golf Club, in Bedminster, New Jersey, U.S., June 13, 2023. (Reuters Photo)

As a Turk, who lives in the heart of a region where the U.S. engages in power struggles with minimal force and CIA plots, if there is any other choice for me than to support Trump, you tell me

The U.S. judiciary's ongoing attempts to imprison former President Donald Trump, who is considered by many as the frontrunner in polls leading up to the critical 2024 elections, faced another failure last Tuesday.

After a two-hour hearing, Trump joined his supporters for a meal at the Cuba Restaurant, where he made a remarkable statement, highlighting that the United States is "rigged, corrupt and in decline." He further criticized the government as "being out of control."

"A corrupt sitting president had his top political opponent arrested on fake and fabricated charges – of which he and numerous other presidents would be guilty – right in the middle of a presidential election, in which he's losing very badly," Trump added.

Despite the continuous repetition of news by mainstream U.S. media outlets and their global counterparts that unjustly criticize Trump, the allegations lack credibility and are utterly laughable. Take, for instance, the claim that the former president paid hush money to a sex worker many years ago. While such an allegation might be sufficient to incriminate an ordinary U.S. citizen, it is undoubtedly an insufficient basis to arrest a former U.S. president!

Is there anything else?

During Trump's presidency, he took some classified documents to his home. They must have forgotten that it is the authority of the U.S. president to determine what is classified or not.

As for the "theater" of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, since I have mentioned it numerous times in my column, I recommend the TV series "House of Cards." They could have sought help from the show's writers. They also have plenty of Hollywood celebrities at their disposal. Those horned, fur-wearing, hammer-wielding men who seemed to have emerged from the American Civil War ... What was that all about?

So why does this issue, the injustices suffered by Trump, concern a Turkish journalist like me living 8,000 kilometers (some 5,000 miles) away in Istanbul?

Trump's 'honesty'

There are a few reasons for this. First and foremost, I live in Türkiye, the heart of a region where the U.S. engages in power struggles with minimal force and CIA plots. Many states, including my country, are used as domestic political material in the power struggle within the U.S. They even admit their involvement in military coups they actively supported. They officially provide weapons to terrorist organizations like the PKK terror group's Syrian affiliate YPG, responsible for the killings of many people I know. Lastly, they brought dark terrorist groups into our neighboring Syria under the pretense of bringing democracy, resulting in millions of Syrian civilians (around 5 million) being forced to seek refuge in Türkiye. Do I need to describe the economic and sociological problems burdening the shoulders of 84 million Turks?

However, Trump, as he put it himself, was the only U.S. president in 20 years who did not initiate a war. He stated, "We should withdraw from Syria; we are only there for oil." He also talked about the role of Washington in the formation of the Daesh. He dared to bring back American soldiers from around the world, which rattled the interconnected financial and arms monopolies.

He made strong remarks regarding Türkiye, but I also knew he didn't categorically hate Muslims or people from the East like "others" did.

Besides, when he left, the COVID-19 pandemic "theater" took over the world under the pressure of the Biden administration. The global economic crisis that we are still paying the price of today has impoverished all of us. The Russia-Ukraine war, which Trump warned us about, is still ongoing.

As a Turk, if there is any other choice for me than to support Trump, you tell me.

Or will you also call me a "redneck"?

You can say that.

I would laugh it off. In a world that supports globalists who advocate for unipolarity and endorse the puppet Biden administration, backed by arms, food, pharmaceutical, software and financial barons, what significance do labels like "leftist" or "liberal" have?