Netanyahu captured Biden, Jews captured Christians
U.S. President Joe Biden (R) meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office of the White House, Washington, U.S., July 25, 2024. (AFP Photo)

Just as Netanyahu appears to sway Biden's decisions, the Jewish community also seems to wield influence over Christians in the U.S. and elsewhere

Religions still exert a considerable influence on world politics, even though the Peace of Westphalia established the foundations of modern international relations, promoting the resolution of interstate issues through rational means rather than religious motivations. However, despite these advancements, deep-seated historical tensions, particularly between Christians and Jews, persist.

Jews, who have endured persecution and massacres throughout history, continue to be concerned about the lingering animosity. For centuries, Christians have harbored prejudices against Jews, marginalizing and dehumanizing them, often attributing evil and filth to the Jewish people. This historical backdrop continues to shape Jewish communities' political concerns and actions globally.

Throughout history, Jews have faced numerous exiles, being expelled from various countries at different times. They were driven out of Babylon, Athens, Rome, England, France, Austria, Spain, Sicily and Portugal in different eras. The hardships and persecution endured by Jews are well-known to anyone with even a basic understanding of world history and the history of religions.

Economy and ontological fear

Driven by an existential fear and an enduring quest for security, the Jewish people adopted drastic measures to safeguard their future.

First of all, taking advantage of the loopholes in Christianity, which had no proper legal system, the Jews organized themselves to an extraordinary degree within Christian states and societies.

Subsequently, the Jews, who had not been able to invest or buy land due to their constant exiles and migration throughout history, developed expertise in banking, usury and antiquities trading and gathered an ever-growing capital accumulation.

Usury, a Jewish art on the stage of history, manifested itself as a global banking system. And in the banking system, step by step, the Jews created a financial monopoly.

Jewish-dominated system

Jewish-led organizations, which secretly govern societies from within, have also gained strength, especially in the United States.

Even though the civilization of our time is described as the Jewish-British civilization, the Jews applied a method that directly captured all points of the system in the United States.

I have written this many times, in the electoral system of the U.S., when a Christian, a Jew or any other candidate runs for election, one needs to campaign and financing to run the campaign.

In the U.S., nearly 100 Jewish lobbying companies, large and small, including the Jewish lobbying organization American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), are set up to manage American politics. Although the lobbying companies in the U.S. are ostensibly official companies, these are mainly shadowy organizations that serve the existence of the state of Israel and Zionism. In this context, those who have critical importance for the fate of the United States and for the governance of the country act in line with the Jewish interests. Today, it is not the American people but the Jewish lobbying companies that decide who will be the president and who will be the congressperson from which state in the United States.

Christians governed by Jews

In the event of future conflicts between Christians and Jews in the United States, Christians will likely find themselves at a significant disadvantage in competing with Jews. Despite the United States being predominantly Christian, the influence of Jewish groups in politics, commerce, and lobbying is so powerful that it outweighs the power of even the American president. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is more influential than American President Joe Biden. And, if there was a contest in the U.S. Congress, probably Netanyahu would win over Biden by a double margin.

Consider this from the perspective of a Christian in the U.S.: examining the composition of Congress, the influence on the streets, in commerce and among lobbying firms, it appears that Jewish interests have a strong grip on both the U.S. legislative body and the broader Christian community. In the current climate, it seems unlikely that a Christian in the U.S. would feel safe publicly stating that the Jews were responsible for the killing of Jesus Christ.

While this dominance may seem advantageous for Jews and a triumph for Zionists, it could potentially awaken a latent anti-Semitism within the Christian world, dormant for the past 200-300 years. Societies rarely tolerate what they perceive as oppression, intimidation or marginalization. Today, the governments of the United States, Britain and Germany appear heavily influenced by and loyal to Zionist interests. Although one must point out the distinction between Zionists and Jews, the vast majority of Jews actively support Zionism, thereby marginalizing both Christians and those Jews who do not align with Zionist views. Consequently, as Netanyahu seemingly holds Biden under his influence, so too does the Jewish community exert control over Christians in the U.S. and beyond.