Jews want to kill Jesus Christ a second time
Flags of Israel and the United States are on the table during the meeting of U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant (both not pictured), the Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia, U.S., June 25, 2024. (EPA Photo)

Jewish people exert significant influence over various aspects of society, including Christian countries, states, intellectuals, media organizations and governments

When examining the history of Judaism and Christianity in the Middle Ages, it's evident that significant tensions existed between Christians and Jewish people. Throughout the ages, these tensions persisted, particularly in the medieval West, where the influence of the papacy and the Inquisition exacerbated the conflict.

If we focus on the reasons for the tension between Jewish people and Christians, a few key topics stand out:

First, there was a widespread belief among Christians that the Jews were responsible for the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ, the prophet who brought their divine religion after Judaism.

Second, Jews were often associated with usury and interest. Given their historical lack of permanent settlement in cities and their susceptibility to exile or marginalization, Jews usually kept movable assets and cash. This facilitated their involvement in usury and interest, leading Christians to perceive them as exploitative.

Third, the "blood libel" refers to a medieval allegation that Jews murdered Christians – especially Christian children – to use their blood for ritual purposes, such as in the baking of Passover matzah (unleavened bread). While the integrity of this belief is dubious, it resurfaced earlier this year when a hidden tunnel under a New York synagogue was discovered, allegedly used for nefarious trafficking purposes. Social media rumors went viral, claiming that blood-soaked mattresses and baby strollers were also found, echoing these ancient conspiracies.

In the Middle Ages, Christians believed that Jewish people spread germs, especially during plague epidemics. As Jews migrated from one place to another, they were perceived as plague carriers between cities.

Additionally, it was believed that Jewish people spread not only physical diseases but also all material and spiritual ailments to society. As a result, Jews were often regarded as being half-human, half-animal by Christians.

Marginalization, exclusion

This marginalization and exclusion contributed to Adolf Hitler's massacre of Jews, the reality of which is now being questioned. Recent rumors suggest that the Nazis were the most eager for the establishment of a Jewish state and wanted Jewish people to move to Palestine.

Throughout history, Jewish people have been subjected to marginalization and persecution by Christians, leading them to take significant measures to prevent such a situation from recurring.

Economic measures are at the forefront of these actions. The Jews have established an extraordinary financial monopoly worldwide. Additionally, Zionist Jews created a media monopoly, making it difficult for a long time to criticize Judaism, Zionism or Israel until the rise of social media.

Even today, when a text critical of Zionism or Israel appears on platforms like Twitter or Facebook, it is quickly censored, highlighting the extent of this Jewish monopoly over Christians.

More concerning is the monopoly on governance. In the United States, Zionist Jews wield significant influence at all stages of government, from the election of the president to the selection of members of the House of Representatives and Congress.

Zionist siege

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee's (AIPAC) influence extends to the election of every single member in every city, funding and lobbying them, while the elected officials, effectively controlled, work tirelessly for them.

The global Christian population, numbering in the billions, is dominated by the much smaller Jewish population of about 50 million globally. Christians today seem helpless against Judaism and Zionism, appearing to have completely surrendered. It's conceivable that they might even abandon Christianity en masse in favor of Judaism.

World Zionism and the Jews are on the brink of igniting a risky situation. Throughout history, a deep-seated hatred of Jews has existed in Christian countries and cities. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Zionism are currently fanning these flames.

There has been an online debate recently between young people in the U.S. and Europe around the phrase "Christ is King." Social media platforms have banned this phrase, and the House of Representatives in the U.S. banned using the expression "Jews killed Jesus Christ" amid campus protests.

In this context, one could argue that the Jews have "killed" Jesus twice: first, by causing his death during the crucifixion and revolting against the Romans, and now, by besieging all Christian countries, states, intellectuals, media organizations and governments.