Jews enslaved Christians
A Statue of the 19th-century Maronite Christian St. Mar Charbel is pictured as a bulldozer moves to clear rubble and debris from the site of a previous Israeli air strike on the village of Aito, northern Lebanon, Oct. 15, 2024. (AFP Photo)

Netanyahu bombs civilians, destroying cities, while Christians stay silent, trapped by Jewish power. How much longer will they endure this?

At first glance, such a title may seem exaggerated. However, when we observe the current state of global affairs, it becomes increasingly apparent that the Jews, numbering in the millions, are effectively exploiting billions of Christians, treating them as mere instruments for their own gain.

If you look at the relationship between Christians and Jews in the Middle Ages, Christians were masters and Jews were slaves, and that was a very problematic master-slave relationship.

When we look at what is going on in the world today, the assessments of the two rabbis, and Israel's actions against Christians in Palestine and Lebanon, we will understand the extent of this enslavement.

American senator and activist Bernie Sanders posted a message on X the other day, pointing out how U.S. billionaires buy American politics. Let us leave for the end of this article how the Jews have systematically enslaved the European states and the U.S.

First of all, during the Gaza war, U.S. President Joe Biden called on Israel for peace. Immediately after this call for peace, Israel bombed a prominent Christian church in Gaza. Instantly after that, when another call for peace came from the U.S., Benjamin Netanyahu’s Israel did not hesitate to mercilessly bomb a hospital run by Christians.

It is not uncommon for Jews to literally spit in the faces of Christians as they pass on the streets of Israel, and many Christians are subjected to such treatment on the streets of Jerusalem.

Although evangelical Christians and Jews are intertwined in their beliefs about the Messiah and the Mahdi, the fact is that Jews believe that they are divine human beings who exist in the name of God and that other human beings are half human and half animal. And in this respect, they do not distinguish much between Christians and Muslims.

I will present the assessment of two rabbis, one in Israel and one in the U.S. An elderly rabbi is being interviewed by a journalist. In the interview, he says: "All humanity was created to serve the Jews. And one day, all humankind will be slaves to the Jews."

As the old man tries to convince the journalist, a young student rabbi, with a very sly expression, remarks to the journalist as follows: "You don't need to overthink the issue.

Look, today, isn't all of humanity, Christians, Muslims, and other religions, all states, our slaves?"

Another incident happened today. A rabbi in the United States, preaching to his community, said. "We must skillfully confront Christians and Muslims. There is no other way to save the Jews from catastrophe."

Again, in Lebanon, Israeli planes destroyed an ancient Christian village where there were tombs of prophets. Netanyahu's government gave no explanation or justification. They just wanted to bomb and destroy the Christian village.

Recently, in Gaza, bombs were dropped on civilians seeking refuge in tents, and tragically, many were burned alive. When addressing this horrific incident, the American spokesperson stated that they did not believe Israel acted with intentional malice in the attack.

Israelis are killing civilians. Israel is killing women. Israel is killing children. Israel is killing Christians, Israel is killing Muslims, and Israel can burn people alive who are sheltering in tents.

Western silence

Western countries have largely remained silent or indifferent regarding this tragedy. Only Ireland, Spain and Norway have taken any notable stance. Beyond these exceptions, most Western nations appear to tacitly support or at least turn a blind eye to the massacre.

France and Britain have a reason to be uneasy: the International Criminal Court (ICC) may eventually declare Israel guilty of war crimes and genocide, even if the decision is delayed. Under international law, to which European states are signatories, supplying weapons and ammunition that contribute to the massacre of children and civilians or acts of genocide also makes these countries complicit in the crime. In this context, the recent actions of French President Emmanuel Macron and the leadership of the United Kingdom should be closely observed.

As Sanders' message on X suggests, it's widely understood how the political system operates in the United States. Securing Jewish financial backing and campaign support is crucial for a Harvard or Columbia graduate or any well-qualified Christian candidate aiming for a political career. Numerous Jewish organizations, including AIPAC, are strategically organized across districts, provinces, and states, providing financial aid and backing to these congressional candidates. Moreover, these organizations openly state on their websites that the overwhelming majority of both Democrats and Republicans are funded and enslaved by them.

With their monopoly on finance, media, and government, the Jews have all the Western states under their control. They also use secret and semi-secret organizations such as Freemasonry and, as in the case of Epstein, blackmail prominent business and state people in the U.S. by recording their inappropriate behavior.

Therefore, from espionage to marginalization, from financial support to media threats, any individual Christian is prevented from taking a stand against the Zionist system, organization, and Israel globally.

Western Christianity, with its billions of adherents, has fallen under the slavery of a small fraction of the Jewish population. In this context, Netanyahu continues to bomb civilians, take innocent lives, and devastate cities, while Christians – whether their villages, churches, or families are targeted – remain silent, enslaved by Jews. The question remains: how much longer can the Christian world endure this slavery?