Jews are driving Western civilization to suicide
A Palestinian family rests under the rubble of a house destroyed in Israeli strikes, Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, Palestine, Sept. 26, 2024. (Reuters Photo)

Jews are dragging humankind into a total catastrophe. By doing so, the modern world is signing the death warrant of Western civilization

Some try to explain the catastrophe that has befallen the world by the Zionists. But the fact is that Zionists are a group born out of the Jewish community. If wealthy Jews of the world did not fund these people, they probably would not be able to play with Western values so easily.

One of the most prominent thinkers of Türkiye, professor Saadettin Öktem, offers profound insights in concise videos. He is an expert in both Eastern and Western civilizations, with deep knowledge of the spiritual essence of Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

I watched a short evaluation of him the other morning. He says: "Modernity is dead. It promises nothing but blood to the universe."

It is not easy for a thinker like Saadettin Öktem, who has a broad vision and is aware of the East and the West, to make this statement. Just a few years ago, he said that wisdom was still in the West; knowledge, understanding, science and technology were still in the West; and that it had not passed to us. It is quite a remarkable assessment for such a thinker to use such an expression today that "modernity is dead."

Western values

After the medieval Inquisition and Papal domination, despite the subsequent eras of colonialism and Western hegemony that marginalized the people of Asia and other civilizations, the West still managed to produce value, at least for itself, through science based on experiment and observation. Western states were able to establish broad intellectual and legal frameworks, such as democracy, human rights, environmental rights, the right to life and access to food, though often, these rights were primarily extended to their own citizens only.

After World War II, also with the influence of the Left, the concepts of honesty, justice and human rights actually developed in the West. It almost became the backbone of Western thinking.

The Jewish people, who were subjected to Adolf Hitler's persecution in World War II and wandered around Europe being left alone, generated extraordinary measures to ensure this would not happen again.

Flashback fear

In fact, Jews are afraid of Christians because they are aware that if the hatred of the Christians of the Middle Ages comes back, 30 million Jews will be crushed to dust by 2.5 billion Christians. Of course, we do not advocate for such a peril. However, in their pursuit of permanent security, they have taken control of all the power monopolies in the world.

First of all, the monopoly of finance was created for Jews, and almost 90% of all the wealth in the world is currently in Jewish hands.

They also created a media monopoly, and today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who murdered 40,000 people, children and women in Palestine, is being presented as a hero in the world. And none of the media outlets in the world give a fair, just and honest news report. If you just ask the question "Who is the murderer?" and if you do research among media groups, and if you ask "Who is the murderer of 40,000 children?" they will not be able to give any answer and will try to cover up the truth with a lot of false information.

Enslaved Christians

The monopoly of the Jews over Christians is not only a monopoly of finance and media but also a monopoly of governance. One by one, they dominated all Western parliamentarians, especially in the United States. Just as Nazis occupied European states, Zionist Jews have occupied all Western states. Neither an artist, a parliamentarian, nor a citizen has the right to speak the truth on the street. In a way, the globe is invaded by vampires.

It is a fact that 30 million Jews dominate and enslave nearly 2.5 billion Christians. This domination is now being executed by Christian soldiers, Christian TV commentators and Christian intellectuals. The whole Christian world is enslaved by the Jews.

Today, in the streets of Germany and the U.K., in the universities of the U.S., in Scandinavian countries, in South America, in fact, all over the world, the streets are screaming that Israel is a genocidal state. Yet, when you look at the parliaments, no one dares to raise their voice, paralyzed by fear.

In the same way, the United Nations General Assembly witnessed a scene. The President of the Republic of Türkiye and the respected leader of the Islamic world, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, as well as the leaders of Jordan, Qatar, Colombia, South Africa, Maldives and many others, took to the rostrum of the U.N. and called for an end to this atrocity.

With Israel's attack on Lebanon, the Pope has posted an announcement on X, saying that this situation has escalated to a very critical level and that the international community must take action. While many world leaders have called for an end to the atrocity, either falsely or genuinely, as Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been doing for a while, Jews, who have enslaved all Christians, are not lifting a finger.

There are Jews who believe in democracy and justice and do not believe in Zionism. They must take action first and foremost because these murderers and vampires were inspired by Jewish discourse.

Therefore, today, as professor Öktem said, Jews are dragging humankind into a total catastrophe. By doing so, the modern world is signing the death warrant of Western civilization. This silence of Christianity against Jews is the suicide of Western civilization.