Israel's massacres are 'On Record' for human dignity
A mourner reacts next to the bodies of Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes at Nasser hospital in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, Palestine, Dec. 15, 2023. (Reuters Photo)

The 'On Record' project brings together various groups, including academics, cartoonists, curators, lawyers and experts in mapping Palestine, to collectively document Israeli-committed massacres through art and expertise

Presently, it is evident that we are facing a brutal global order.

In fact, Western humanism seemingly stands as a philosophy aimed at safeguarding human life, upholding human dignity, exalting human values and defending fundamental rights such as the right to life, freedom of speech and everything else that pertains to the well-being of individuals.

We are familiar with the historical experiences of Africans, Far Easterners and nations residing in colonized territories during the colonial era. We also recognize that, during the independence movements, nations worldwide, spanning from Algeria to China, engaged in battles for autonomy against the British, French and other Western powers, resulting in the loss of hundreds of millions of lives in these conflicts. Despite this, Western civilization, as the prevailing paradigm, has adeptly crafted an image of being a guardian of nature, animals, human beings and human dignity.

In the aftermath of the genocide and massacres of Jewish people during World War II, concerted efforts were made to prevent the recurrence of such atrocities against any nation globally. Institutions like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the European Criminal Court, and the Security Council of the U.N. signify a commitment to curbing the actions of states or organizations that may spiral out of control.

Dashed hopes, double standards

In a way, until the start of the Gaza War, the existence of these institutions globally was reassuring for people not well-versed in political science and international relations. On the other hand, the wars and violations in non-Western societies were radically criticized by Western states.

In the last 20 years, the Ukraine war was the only case in which the West was directly involved as a reaction to an assault. Before the Ukrainian crisis, it was the U.S. or Western states that were proactive and occupied the others, like Iraq, Yemen and Afghanistan.

During the Ukraine conflict, Europe became directly involved, leveling accusations against Russian President Vladimir Putin of war crimes, genocide and the killing of infants. And it tried to cut off the Russian cultural vein from all European lands and countries. It was even a bit ironic that books by Russian writers were prohibited, and some Russian artists were banned from performing in Europe.

Conversely, as the Gaza War unfolded and Israel's conduct began resembling that of a terrorist organization more than a state, public expectations heightened. Those who endured massacres, witnessed hospitals being bombed and found themselves abandoned on the streets first and foremost anticipated a humane response to their plight.

State or crime syndicate

Much like the silence that ensues in a small town when a mafia terrorist organization seeks to eradicate its residents, no state under the control of the Jewish monopoly of media and finance appears willing to speak out against Israel's massacres due to prevailing fears.

The State of Israel has assured and indoctrinated its soldiers that they can treat the Palestinians in any unlawful manner and that they will not be questioned for their inhumane and criminal acts. This meant the following: "You can kill any civilian without question. You can bomb a hospital, you can cut the power plug to leave babies in incubators to die or you can sweep en masse through the detainees in a hospital."

The Israelis undertook an operation against officers who had served in Nazi camps and were part of Adolf Hitler's staff. This operation aimed to document the atrocities committed during that time and extensive efforts were made to track down and apprehend Nazis worldwide.

'On Record' for human dignity

We started a civil initiative in Istanbul, the "On Record" project. In the project, many groups such as academics, cartoonists, curators, lawyers, groups that have studied maps of Palestine, disinformation centers, etc., are "recording" the massacres committed by Israelis in Palestine with their own art or expertise.

The event, which started at the Rami Library, was attended by Justice Minister Yılmaz Tunç and hosted by Esenler's Mayor Mehmet Tevfik Göksu. Anadolu Agency (AA), the Union of Marmara Municipalities, the Union of Jurists of Türkiye and many other participants are contributing to the program.

A Palestinian boy carries pillows as a tractor clears debris of buildings destroyed in Israeli bombardments on Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, Palestine, Dec. 15, 2023. (AFP Photo)
Cartoonist Hasan Kaçan serves as the representative of the cartoon desk, while the program's curator, the painter Uğur Polat, is endorsing the project with a profoundly significant piece. It is widely recognized that Picasso's renowned work, "Guernica," portraying the bombing of the city of Guernica in Spain by Nazi German bombers, stands as a powerful protest painting in the annals of art history. Uğur Polat will recreate Picasso's painting on a large scale, with elements that document all the massacres and atrocities committed by Israel against Palestine. When you look from a distance, the painting will look like Picasso's Guernica, but as you go deeper, you will see Israel's unlawful practices from 1948 to 2023.

In addition to many events held at the Rami Library within the framework of the project, the globally renowned Palestinian cartoonist Dr. Alaa Allagta participated in the program and gave an interview. He met with cartoonists in Türkiye and donated some of his works to be published in the program "On Record."

In the interview, Dr. Allagta explained that the art of cartooning has no language, race, color or culture, and that it is an art that speaks to everyone, gives a message to everyone and can reach everyone. On the other hand, when he was asked about the threats he received from time to time from the Israeli state while living in Palestine, his reply was striking: "Every Palestinian knows that one day he will be martyred, just doesn't know the time or the place. Therefore, we don't care much about such threats."

He extended a genuine wish to artists across the globe: "Let us collaborate, let's endeavor to secure the freedom of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and let's unite with artists worldwide to paint a portrayal of Hanzala's peaceful face, encountering the world."

The "On Record" program transcends being a brief protest. It is a monthlong initiative to collect comprehensive information. All gathered data will be archived in a portal preserved for the long term. The objective is clear: when a judiciary and a justice mechanism emerge, and the time comes to hold accountable those responsible for the atrocities committed by Israel, akin to the pursuit of Nazis globally, these perpetrators will be traced and brought to trial in a criminal court, serving as a testament to the dignity of humanity.

The Israelis consider themselves as powerful as the Greek gods. But if you look at the hesitation in the United States, Israel will not be able to defeat Hamas in this process. In its rage against Hamas, like an uncontrolled mafia, like a terrorist organization, it is constantly bombing civilian buildings and hospitals, killing people, including children, trying to take revenge. States operate within legal frameworks, while terrorist organizations and criminal syndicates cultivate an atmosphere of lawlessness.