Israel's destiny and apocalypse of the Jewish people
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a press conference with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz in the Kirya military base in Tel Aviv, Israel, Oct. 28, 2023. (Reuters Photo)

With its relentless attacks on Gaza, Israel is not only shaping its own future but also the apocalypse of all Jews

When the attack by Hamas commenced on Oct. 7, it caused a shock in Israel. Subsequently, Israel began a massacre of Palestinians in Gaza. Initially, there was a widespread expectation that Israel, fueled by anger and fury, would swiftly dismantle Hamas, eliminate its armed forces and occupy Gaza entirely. However, as the Gaza conflict unfolded, it quickly became emblematic of global shifts, highlighting the profound changes in geopolitical balances around the world.

In the beginning, all the debate was on how the Palestinian resistance group Hamas would be defeated and which country, the more than 2 million people living there, would be deported to.

According to the commentators in Türkiye and around the globe, Israel had extraordinary military power, modern weapons and ammunition, one of the best-equipped armies in the world, and a superior intelligence service. Above all, the United States was on Israel's side with all its firepower, which is assumed to be the best in the world.

In fact, initially, the U.S. did not seem to have lost its mind as much as Israel did and made some suggestions not to launch the operation and to be careful with civilians. But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to such recommendations by bombing hospitals. Furthermore, every time that the U.S. came up with advice, Netanyahu raised its hand a little higher. It continued to kill civilians directly.

Two faces of conflict

Two sides of the war have been revealed: Hamas, which is accused of being a terrorist organization by Israel, keeps prisoners, protects them, treats them with justice, and when the day comes, releases them safe and sound. In contrast, Israel, which claims to be a state, is constantly killing civilians, bombing hospitals, running over dead bodies with bulldozers and leaving babies in incubators to die. Firstly, the psychological warfare front of the war collapsed on the Israeli side. The Zionist perception that Israel has been building for almost a century has, on the one hand, succumbed to the anger of young people, dissidents, Muslims and leftists all over the world.

On the other hand, Western values have been radically shaken. Masses have seen how rotten, how useless, and how easily collapsed the values that the Western world and the U.S. have established over the years. People realize that the system of values was set forth to govern the world system rather than serve a higher cause.

The status of the real war on the ground, besides the psychological one, is also not so promising for Israel. Hamas, on average, bombs and destroys about 50 armored vehicles and tanks every week and announces the number of Israeli soldiers it has neutralized in armed clashes. Probably, Israel only discloses one-tenth of its dead soldiers or less.

Washington's warning

Amid ongoing tension between the U.S. and Israel, Washington has sent a cautionary signal by withdrawing its warships from the region.

In a statement, Israel's far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir asserted, "We are not one of the stars on the flag of the United States," emphasizing that Israel is a sovereign country, distinct from being a state of the U.S.

In the meanwhile, while the peace process talks were being conducted in Qatar, Israel directly attacked one of the Hamas leaders. By attacking Lebanese territory on the one hand and Iran on the other, Israel is, in a way, trying to keep the U.S. on its side in the war. But these efforts are likely to be in vain.

Having lost the war on the Hamas front, Israel is trying to draw the U.S. into the war by attacking Iran, Lebanon, or Syria. I think this is also a futile effort.

After the defeat in the psychological war, Israel is also defeated in the war front. This defeat is not only Israel's defeat, but all Jewish people globally will no longer be able to look anyone in the face because of the genocide, massacre and support they have given to Israel.

It would not be a farfetched prophecy that the hatred against Jews that has existed in Europe for centuries will rise again because of the Zionist siege of the Western states and Christians, and other religious or non-religious groups in the West will not accept that Zionism will surround their states like a mafia.