How can humanity ever trust Israel after safe zone killings?
A Palestinian woman looks out from her destroyed house on the first day of Eid al-Adha in Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip, Palestine, June 16, 2024. (EPA Photo)

Can you see the connection between the massacres in Sri Lanka in 2009 and Gaza in 2024, and if so, how could you trust Israel after this?

Do you remember the Tamil Tigers? In the early years of the millennium, the Sri Lanka government was in the hands of the ethnic Sinhalese (Sinhala people), the largest group in Sri Lanka, constituting about 75% of the Sri Lankan population and numbered more than 15.2 million, trying to suppress the revolt of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), also known as the Tamil Tigers, a militant organization that was based in the northern and eastern Sri Lanka fighting to create an independent state called Tamil Eelam in the northeast of the island. Like all armed ethnic rioters, the Tamil Tigers turned into a terrorist organization, using women and children in their fight and carrying out a series of high-profile assassinations (like the Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1991 and Sri Lanka President Ranasinghe Premadasa in 1993).

The Sri Lanka government’s fight with them had been supported by almost 30 nations, including the United States and the European Union; however, that fight had soon been marred by the Sri Lankan government’s and Sinhalese militants’ ruthless disregard for the human rights of the Tamil people as well as their own civilian Sinhala population.

If you remember the name of the Tamil Tigers, you probably remember that the Sri Lankan government and Sinhalese militants created "No Fire Zones" where the Tamil people fleeing from the rebels could take refuge. If you remember the phrase "No Fire Zone" you must remember the term "The Killing Fields" in which Cambodian tyrant Pol Pot's bloody genocide claimed the lives of 2 million "undesirable" civilians. Those fighting against the Tamil Tigers learned their lesson from far away Cambodia and, claiming that terrorists were hiding in the "No Fire Zones" among the civilians, those coastal stripes became death traps for almost 80,000 Tamil people. Dozens of media workers were killed, while the world looked away in the first few months under the disguise of "taming Tigers." Years later, we read about the accounts of massacres from the just and righteous Sinhalese authors; the Sri Lankan military convinced the civilians in the government saying that "those Tamil children will grow up and become Tigers."

We are now seeing phrases along the same mentality claiming that little Palestinian babies will grow up and become Hamas fighters. This is not only seen in the speeches of the members of the murderous Israeli war Cabinet but also the sermons of some rabbis defending the distorted translations of Torah: "Even the innocent Amalekite and Canaanite children should not be shown compassion. To do so would be unkind to the potential victims of those children when they grow up." Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, shamelessly invoking those fake Biblical sentences, endorsed the creation of killing fields in the "Safe Humanitarian Areas."

Is Israel trustworthy?

Can you see the connection between the massacres in Sri Lanka in 2009 and Gaza in 2024? Then how could you trust Israel after this? Humanity was once fooled into believing that the nakba 1948, the events of persecution and displacement of Palestinians by Israel’s founders, was the feloniousness of those who were just saved from the throes of Nazism and Hitler’s murder camps; the new democratic regime would never repeat such atrocities and make it up to Palestinians. But it did not work that way. The successive Israeli governments went from bad to worse; the idea of the two-state solution, peaceful coexistence in a federation, and all other words and promises have been forgotten by the Zionists. Slowly the policy of "occupy and expel" became the constitution of Israel. Eventually, in 2018, the parliament passed a law that says that everyone has human rights, but national rights in Israel belong only to the Jewish people.

Since then, the Israeli courts have upheld what they call "national rights" (i.e., owning a property in an area declared as "disputed territory", that is what they call the occupied Moslem properties) over the "human rights" (i.e., having a title to land or house.) In short, if you are not a Jew you are not entitled to own your real estate if the Zionists declare that neighborhood "disputed," and you cannot even appeal that decision because you are not a Jew, hence you have no right to appeal. A bunch of armed "settlers" come and bulldoze the building, your grandfather and his grandfather used to call home since the Ottomans were expelled by the British to open a homeland for the Jews they didn’t want in Europe.

That is why professor John Mearsheimer, an American political scientist and international relations scholar at the University of Chicago, calls Israel an apartheid state. There is no difference between Hitler’s National Socialism in Germany, Pol Pot’s genocidal regime in Cambodia, the Sinhalese pogroms of the Tamil people and Malan-Klerk colonization of South Africa for the Netherlands and Great Britain, and Israel. All those countries had to be refounded from scratch. They have been demilitarized and their new regimes had been guaranteed not to repeat their mistakes ever again.

The only way humanity would rest assured that Palestinians will not be massacred again is to create a new Israel next to Palestine, which will be from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea with its capital in Jerusalem.

There are now enough human ashes in Netanyahu’s killing fields from which two new countries can be raised.