Complicity unveiled: Israel's Gaza attacks beyond political figures
A man mourns during the funeral of his relatives from the Kalusa family, who were killed in an Israeli strike, in Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip, Nov. 22, 2023. (AFP Photo)

Amid global street protests against Israel's atrocities in Gaza, intellectuals have chosen silence as their sole response, opting for vague condemnations instead of leading the push for justice and change

In pivotal moments, the actions or inaction of influential domestic and international actors can shape the destiny of societies. The recent indiscriminate attacks by Israel on Gaza highlight the profound impact of such decisions on the course of history. Israel’s occupation of Palestine for seven decades, coupled with its recent military assaults, underscores the failure of influential figures to address the longstanding conflict in the region.

These attacks reveal a stark truth – the indifference of influential international political figures to the loss of civilian lives in Gaza. Rather than advocating for a cease-fire, they staunchly support Israel, driven by geopolitical interests or ideological considerations. However, beyond the realm of politics, what about the roles played by other components such as celebrities, media and intellectuals, or the public?

The unfolding events in Gaza expose not just the hypocrisy of political leadership in the so-called civilized Western world but also unveil the true faces of their media, intellectuals and celebrities in the face of widespread destruction caused by Israel’s military actions in Gaza. The mainstream Western media’s purported impartiality crumbles, resembling more a PR agency for Israel than an objective source. The grim reality of children being bombed is now broadcast through alternative media channels and social platforms, as journalists risk their lives to report the truth.

Silence, the only action

The plight of journalists in Gaza is emblematic of the challenges faced by those who dare to stand with the Palestinians. The suppression of the free press becomes evident as journalists are silenced, contracts terminated and lives endangered for advocating for justice. Almost every day, the news reports add another journalist to the number of journalists killed by the Israeli attacks. So far, Israeli attacks have killed nearly 50 journalists. In other words, the Gaza situation exposes the myth of a free press, operational only when aligned with the interests of Western governments.

Intellectuals, too, bear a moral responsibility in the face of injustices. It is disheartening to witness their acquiescence to pressure against Palestinian struggles and their endorsement of Israel’s attacks, even in the wake of civilian casualties. Where is the academic integrity when the numbers are so sheer in terms of the number of killed civilians? Where is the scientific approach when Israel’s actions have violated all legal and social norms? Sadly, Western intellectuals, except the respectable few, have failed to stand firm with the Palestinian children who are killed before they can barely open their eyes to the world.

Instead of becoming the pioneers of the masses for justice and change, silence has become their only action. While the people pour onto streets across cities worldwide, the "intellectuals" have chosen the vague condemnation as their safe haven.

Similarly, celebrities, social media influencers and famous athletes, with few exceptions, shy away from standing against the pressure in their sectors, fearing contract cancellations. Private businesses prioritize complicity over moral responsibility, perpetuating a culture of silence.

Lack of unity in Muslim world

While the Western world shoulders significant responsibility as a staunch supporter of Israel, both politically and militarily, the Muslim world also faces criticism for its lack of unity and action. Türkiye, Egypt and Qatar stand out as exceptions, with strong and independent leadership being identified as a core problem in the post-Arab Spring Arab world.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Wednesday responded to the questions of members of the press on the way back from his very timely visit to Algeria about the situation in Gaza.

"The most important point here is to be a single fist. The state and occupation terrorism implemented by Israel in Gaza and other Palestinian cities is a crime against humanity, genocide. One cannot remain silent and unresponsive to this. The last seed of resurrection in the Islamic world fell in Riyadh. If that seed is not watered enough, it cannot grow. We will give that lifeblood together and fulfill our responsibility toward our martyrs and ancestors in Palestine. We work tirelessly to achieve this. Our hope that we will get results is alive. I hope that these pains we are experiencing are the birth pains of the peace that has been desired in our region for years and the Palestinian state that will ensure it," he said while underlining the importance of joint action and unity.

Indeed, there is a lack of unity and joint action in the Muslim world.

For this reason, Erdoğan’s call for unity is important and emphasizes a collective response to Israel’s actions. The lack of unity in the Muslim world requires reflection on what it takes for these nations to unite against injustices. Mere condemnation and humanitarian aid, while crucial, may not suffice to save the women and children in Gaza; a united and decisive action is imperative for the region’s future.

Lastly, an immediate and permanent cease-fire in Gaza, coupled with the establishment of a Palestinian state with 1967 borders and East Jerusalem as its capital, is not only crucial for the well-being of Palestinians but also a significant step toward lasting peace in the region for all its inhabitants, be it Muslims, Christians or the Jews; be it Arabs or the non-Arab peoples of these lands.