What does the future hold for the Gülen Movement after the poll debacle?

The Gülen Movement organized a conference on April 19 and 20 in New Delhi under the aegis of its Indian dialogue branch, the Indialogue Foundation. A number of papers were presented covering the theme of "Globalization, Multiculturalism and Peacebuilding in the 21st Century: Prospects and Challenges."During lunch break I had an interesting discussion with Ahmet Muharrem Atlığ, the secretary general of the Journalists and Writers Foundation (GYV), an organization whose honorary chairman is Fethullah Gülen. We talked about the future of Gülen's movement after the ruling AK Party's resounding victory in the recent municipal elections.I asked Atlığ why the Gülen Movement failed to rally the popular support it claimed it had before the municipal elections. The group's open support for the opposition parties could not stop the ruling AK Party from achieving a landslide victory. Atlığ emphasized Turkey needs another two decades to become a "true democracy" because masses are not educated enough like European Union countries to understand the political "gimmicks."This is a line taken by many in the Gülen Movement against the ruling party. What they do not understand is that it is extremely difficult to galvanize voters against a particular political party without providing a viable alternative.Asking supporters and sympathizers to vote for either the Republican People's Party (CHP) or the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) in the constituencies where they were in a position to defeat AK Party candidates didn't work for the movement.Moreover, the Gülen group's bitter opposition to the AK Party increased support for the ruling party among various movements that were before unhappy with the government's former alliance with the Gülen Movement.By not providing a political alternative to its supporters, the Gülen Movement demonstrated its weakness to the masses. It clearly shows that either the movement does not have significant support in the country or its followers do not trust the country's political decisions.Undoubtedly, the pre-election Gülen aura created by the group's media and a section of the Western press has been badly damaged.Now the movement must decide whether it wants to work as a socioeconomic and religious organization or wants to have a direct role in the nation's politics. They may not be able to ride on the back of CHP and MHP for long to achieve their political goals.The movement seems to have two options: either to form a political party and engage in politics in an open manner or confine itself to sociocultural and religious work without nursing political ambitions.Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stressed in his post-victory speech that the government will act against Gülen loyalists in state institutions.It will result in a further setback for the movement as it is deeply entrenched in the economy of the country through its banking and financial institutions and business chambers.The movement has a strong presence in many countries, and a major crackdown on its national and international activities will further harm the image of Turkey, which has suffered in the wake of domestic and regional events in the last two to three years.On the other hand, the government cannot afford to have people in key state institutions working against national policies.A crackdown will push the movement further into a corner. It carries with it the risk of harming the country's reputation, especially in the United States, where Fetullah Gülen lives, as well as in Europe.However, it would be a mistake for the Gülen Movement to think it can supersede the state and its institutions.Various social, cultural and religious groups carry on their activities all over the world within the constitutional framework. Such groups must keep in mind their national duty and work without hostility toward the state and its institutions.The state on its part should discharge its constitutional obligations dutifully toward the opposition as happens in a healthy democracy. It should allow the Gülen Movement to flourish in Turkey as per the law of the land. By working closely with the opposition, the ruling party can again boost the image of Turkey. *Writer, @mpervezbilgrami