Turkic symphony orchestra touring Spanish cities

A Turkic symphony orchestra featuring young musicians from Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan will be touring Spain until Monday.

The TÜRKSOY Anadolu Symphony Orchestra led by Kazakh conductor Aidar Torybaev and soprano Nazym Sagintay was warmly applauded Tuesday in Spain's southern city of Granada.

The Spanish audience praised the "Telli Turna" Suite of Nevit Kodalli, the song "Bulbul" ("Nightingale") by Kazakh composer Latif Hamidi and a version of Muzaffer Sarisozen's "Katibim" by Mustafa Mehmandarov, a young Azerbaijani composer.

The concert program also included selections of world classics by Johann Strauss II, Luigi Arditi, Franz Lehar, Emmerich Kalman, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and Johannes Brahms.

The orchestra, created in 2017 through the combined efforts of the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TÜRKSOY) and Turkey-based Anadolu University, will perform in Ceuta on Wednesday, Yecla on Friday and Segovia on Sunday and Monday.

It gave its first concert in Turkey's Eskisehir city last week.

TURKSOY is an international cultural organization of countries with Turkic populations established in 1993 through an agreement signed by the ministers of culture of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey.

The international body has been carrying out activities to "strengthen the ties of brotherhood and solidarity among Turkic peoples, transmit common Turkic culture to future generations and introduce it to the world."