New music academy focuses on high school students' musical career

Founded by Istanbul's Başakşehir Municipality and the Directorate of Başakşehir Public Education, "Music Academy" is ready to welcome high school students wanting to build a career in music. The applications for the academy are open only to high school students and the deadline is Nov. 11. Students who are interested in this opportunity can enroll into the academy at the directorates of all high schools in Başakşehir as well as information houses and BES Cultural Centers. The students have to submit their applications in person. Students who do not study and live in Başakşehir are also able to apply to the Music Academy; however, their applications will be evaluated according to the occupancy rate.

The syllabus of the Music Academy will be scheduled according to the timetable of the high schools and a special area will be created for students to socialize. Students who attend the academy regularly and become successful in the exams will be presented with a Ministry of National Education-approved music certificate. Students of Başakşehir will discover their new talents with various music instruments such as the guitar, piano, violin, saz, ud, reed and percussion. The lessons will begin at the information houses in Başakşehir following the application deadline.