Swedish activist begins 4800-kilometer walk to Palestine to protest Israeli occupation
| photograph courtesy of the Palestinian Information Center

A Swedish activist pledged to walk 4,800-kilometers from Sweden's Gothenburg to Palestine to raise awareness for the Palestinian cause, as well as to mark the centennial of the Balfour Declaration, which in 1917 pledged a Jewish homeland in then-British controlled Palestine.

24-year-old Benjamin Ladra, who started his walk on Aug. 8 said he will tell the world about the situation in Palestine and try to spread knowledge about the ongoing Israeli occupation.

Carrying the Palestinian flag on his back and a keffiyeh, a symbol of Palestinian independence, over his shoulders, Ladra said he has witnessed the Israeli soldiers' constant harassment of Palestinians and has seen the occupation with his own eyes. Ladra called it "an ongoing apartheid situation and said "not wanting to do something about the situation is impossible."
