Palestinians announce 5-day extension of Gaza truce

Palestinian factions have agreed to extend a temporary ceasefire in the Gaza Strip with Israel for five days, a top Palestinian negotiator said Wednesday."The new lull will be for five days as of midnight Wednesday," Azzam al-Ahmad told reporters in Cairo.A three-day ceasefire brokered by Egypt between the Palestinian factions and Israel expired at midnight Wednesday.Palestinian and Israeli negotiators held two rounds of indirect talks in the Egyptian capital with a view to hammering out a permanent ceasefire arrangement. The negotiations, however, have failed to bear fruit.Palestinian factions have linked any permanent ceasefire deal to concessions by Israel, including the lifting of years-long blockade on the Gaza Strip and allowing the establishment of a seaport, among others.At least 1951 Palestinians-mostly civilians-have been killed and more than 10,000 injured in Israeli attacks since July 7.Within the same period, at least 64 Israeli soldiers have been killed in battles with Palestinian fighters inside Gaza, while three civilians have been killed by Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel.