ISIS’ 14-year-old Turkish recruit wounded in Syria

A 14-year-old Turkish boy, who reportedly left his house in early May to fight for self-claimed Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) in Syria, was left at the Turkish border by the militant group after he was seriously wounded in a shelling attack in Syria's Raqqa.According to reports in Turkish media, the boy known with his first name, Taylan, joined the ISIS with five other friends, who all left Syria after a short period of arriving to war-torn country.Taylan's elder brother had previously joined the ISIS and this probably had an impact on him to flee his home in Ankara to fight with ISIS in Syria, his family said.The father of the boy says that he begged his son to come back when he spoke to him on telephone in May. However, Taylan told him that he is fine and will not come back to Turkey.On June 22, Taylan was left at the Turkish border by the ISIS after he was hit by shrapnel pieces. Turkish authorities immediately took the boy to a local hospital in Akçakale district of Şanlıurfa province.