‘Firsts’ of Anatolia: Land of culture, history and architecture
A general view from Ishak Pasha Palace, Ağrı, eastern Turkey. (AA)

Understanding Anatolia means discovering human beings and their past experiences. Here's a quick glimpse into some of the firsts that took place in the region

Anatolia was one of the most sought-after regions in ancient and medieval times due to its location at a point where the continents of Asia and Europe meet. Many civilizations settled, fed their people and sustained their ethnic heritage on these lands throughout history. In addition, the region served as a crossroads of several people who had set off on migrations or to conquer other territories.

This diversity transformed Anatolia into a melting pot of different cultures. People of different religions and races merged together in these lands to form an invaluable mosaic. As a result, a number of world firsts came from these lands. Today, let's dive into the history of Anatolia a little bit to discover some important firsts from these lands.


Firsts in the world