Top tips for planting a summer garden in Türkiye
In Türkiye there are a lot of options for flowering plants, succulents, produce and herbs that are perfect for planting to harvest in summer. (Shutterstock Photo)

It’s that time of the year when planting a summer garden becomes a now-or-never situation. While it always rains in May, the sweltering sun will soon take over so here are some tips to make sure your garden and plants thrive in the summertime

While Türkiye thankfully experiences four full seasons, this also means that what we choose to grow in our gardens and on balconies must be hardy to survive the intense summer heat. Luckily, there are a lot of options for flowering plants, succulents, produce and herbs that are perfect for planting now that will harvest in summer.

Domates, biber, patlıcan

One of the most popular choruses of a song memorized in Türkiye undoubtedly has to be Barış Manço’s "Domates, biber, patlıcan" ... which translates into English as "tomatoes, peppers, eggplant." Not only are these the most popular products in Turkish cuisine, but thankfully they also reach their peak in the summer months. Thus, this is the time to plant them. Add to the mix cucumbers, eggplant and green beans. And you pretty much have almost everything you would need to make a traditional meal here in Türkiye. These plants require warm soil and plenty of sunlight to grow and they also work well planted in pots making them vegetables that can easily be grown on a balcony or terrace.

Herbs are happy in summer

The final weeks of spring are also an ideal time to plant edible herbs, which are also extremely conducive to being grown in containers or garden beds. From mint, oregano, lavender, rosemary, chives, basil and cilantro, many herbs do well in the warm weather albeit some, such as basil and cilantro, may require more shade than others. Seeds and planting sets for herbs are regularly available at grocery markets, while farmer markets are where you can find these herbs already started and available for purchase as saplings you can plant in larger areas or pots. Cilantro and chives are not regularly available however, yet the latter, referred to as kişniş, can be planted from coriander seeds, while chives which are called "frenk soğan" can be ordered in grow kits from suppliers online. Rosemary and lavender flourish in the summer and are mostly used as decorative outdoor plants as they can quickly become huge, while requiring less water and remain hardy against the intense heat of the sun.

Succulents soak up the sun

Succulents are certainly your best bet for keeping plants alive in the peak of summer. They are low-maintenance plants that are well-suited to hot, dry conditions, come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and can be grown in containers or in garden beds. Some succulents even produce stunning colorful flowers, including aloe vera, which is one particular plant that proliferates quickly meaning one can turn into a dozen and all in a single pot. One plant any household should be happy to grow as the aloe pulp and juice serves as a soothing ointment for burns including sunburns.

To be flower, one must bloom

While the flowers of Türkiye are at the peak at their moment, which anyone taking a walk in nature will certainly notice, there are also several flowering plants that can also survive the summer heat. The easiest plant to keep alive with the least amount of maintenance has to be the geranium, which not only grows fast but also showcases beautiful pinks, reds and purples. Add to the mix rose geraniums and you will have yourself an olfactory and visual feast. Some other flowers that bloom during the summer include marigolds, petunias, zinnias, dahlias and of course sunflowers, although keep in mind that these flowers require plenty of sunlight and regular watering to thrive.

Roses of which Türkiye is a major global exporter, bloom mid-May into June. Isparta is Türkiye’s capital of roses and every year they host a festival to celebrate the rose harvest, this year’s which will be held between June 2 and 4. Held in the city center of Isparta, this festival traditionally includes events such as a marathon run, a parade, gift and food stands, folk dancing and musical performances. Meanwhile, Isparta’s Kuyucak district is also famed for its lavender harvest and festival, which this year is planned for July 21 to 23.

Fruit trees: Fruit trees such as peach, plum, and cherry trees can be planted in the summer, although they may not produce fruit until the following year.

Grass is no-go

One of the most frequently asked questions around gardening in social media expat groups in Türkiye is about whether it is worth it to plant or upkeep a grassy lawn and the answer in most cases is definitely "no!" Now, I like a green lawn to lie out on as much as the next, but on the southern coast especially grass can be nearly impossible to maintain, it uses up a lot of water for any chance of survival of which the possibilities seem to be slim, speaking from my own and many other’s experiences.

Just saying... Most people down south will advise just laying out the garden with rocks, such as slate rocks (in Turkish kayrak) and landscaping the surrounding area with sustainable plants.

How to water wisely

Watering plants and trees during the summer is essential to their survival, but it's important to do it in the right way to avoid over-watering or under-watering. Here are some tips for watering plants and trees in summer.

Water in the morning or evening: The best time to water plants and trees is early in the morning or late in the evening when the sun is not as intense. This allows the water to penetrate the soil before it evaporates.

Water young plants and trees more frequently: Newly planted plants and trees require more frequent watering than established ones, as their root systems are not yet fully developed.

Water deeply: When watering, it's important to water deeply and thoroughly, rather than giving plants a light sprinkle. This helps to encourage deep root growth and makes the plant more resilient to drought. With all plants, but trees especially, it is wise to remove all the weeds and aerate the soil by hoeing the area around the trunk. For the most efficient watering, digging a well surrounding a tree helps ensure that a sufficient amount of water can be collected at the base to then thoroughly soak into the soil.

Mulch around plants and trees: Mulching around plants and trees can help to retain moisture in the soil and reduce the need for frequent watering. Use a layer of organic mulch, such as shredded leaves or wood chips, around the base of the plant.

Using a soaker hose or drip irrigation system is a much more efficient way to water plants and trees and it will save you time wielding around a regular hose. These watering systems deliver water directly to the roots without wasting it on the leaves or surrounding soil.

Monitor soil moisture: Check the soil moisture regularly to ensure that it's not too wet or too dry. Stick your finger about an inch into the soil and if it feels dry, it's time to water.