Heating costs can be reduced by dusting off radiators
A professional steam cleans a radiator. (Shutterstock Photo)

In light of rising energy prices, weekly cleaning of radiators can help to reduce energy bills, according to researchers.

Dust accumulated on your radiators for weeks and months can reduce heat dissipation – and that, in turn, increases heating costs.

Clean them thoroughly before turning up the heat for the first time and then continue to dust them off regularly throughout the winter, recommends a German industry association for hygiene products (IKW).

Particularly if you suffer from allergies, that will have another positive effect, as radiators stir up air, releasing the dust and dirt particles they're covered in into the environment, which can strain the respiratory tract and eyes, according to the IKW.

Before cleaning your heater, put a damp cloth or a sheet of newspaper underneath, to catch any falling dust bunnies and dead insects.

For many radiators, a 30 to 40-centimeter-long brush is sufficient to clean between the individual struts and behind the device.

Most vacuums also come with a special nozzle for cleaning radiators.

After removing the dust, wipe down the accessible surface with some water and all-purpose cleaner but make sure not to use sponges with a scrub pad as that could damage the varnish.