Winter is coming: Vitamins and face masks, skin care is important
As winter rolls around slowly, we should be caring for our skins much better. (Shutterstock Photo)

As winter rolls around slowly, I'm sure most of us are feeling like we should be protecting our skins much better, so today I'd like to touch upon a few skin care talking points and share some face mask recipes

As we leave the chirpy warm days behind, we should take care of our tired skin that has been worn out all summer and prepare it for the cold winter hours ahead. So, today I want to talk about how well we know our skin, and what these preparation stages are.

Our skin is not just a cover, it is an organ with different and diverse functions.

Its functions include protecting the tissues and organs under the skin, regulating temperature, vitamin D synthesis, detoxification, flexibility, permeability and aesthetic appearance.

The skin aging process differs for each individual, but according to scientists, cells proliferate until the age of 20 on average, and then changes in the skin begin.

Skin aging can be examined under two separate headings.

Chronological, or internal, aging is metabolic and hormonal aging is dependent on time.

Environmental or external, aging on the other hand, develops together with and on top of chronological aging.

It progresses rapidly unless the factors that cause wear and color irregularities and even wrinkles are prevented, caused by external factors – such as sunlight, air pollution, sudden heat or cold.

Regardless of age group and skin type, the most basic element that our skin needs is moisture.

The moisture lost by the skin should be replaced so that the skin can remain soft and smooth.

There are actually a few simple steps to having healthy and bright skin. First of all, in order to prevent aging from the inside, we should eat regularly and healthily, pay attention to the vitamins and minerals we take and keep the moisture level in balance with regular skin cleaning and the use of the right products.

So what are these vitamins and what do they do?

Let's answer this question with a short list.

As we leave the chirpy warm days of summer behind, we should take care of our worn-out skin. (Shutterstock Photo)

Vitamin A increases the body's resistance and has an effect on visual function. It plays an important role in the skeletal and immune systems.

The vitamin B group includes: