Surgeon urges radical lifestyle shifts post-obesity surgery
Excessive weight adversely affects an individual's quality of life, restricting physical activity, making daily activities difficult and potentially leading to psychological issues, according to an expert. (Shutterstock Photo)

A general surgeon underscored the vital need for lifestyle adjustments post-obesity surgery, advocating for changes like adopting a healthier diet and regular exercise to counter the negative impacts of excess weight on well-being

In discussions surrounding the post-operative journey following obesity surgery, insights from general surgeon Dr. Ersan Semerci highlight the critical importance of lifestyle adjustments. He emphasizes that patients typically need to make significant changes, including adopting a healthier diet, engaging in regular exercise and improving other health habits. Semerci also sheds light on how excessive weight adversely affects an individual's quality of life, potentially leading to psychological issues.

Providing insights on obesity and obesity surgery, Semerci expressed that obesity can lead to a range of health issues or worsen existing ones. Highlighting conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, sleep apnea, joint problems and even certain types of cancer, Semerci emphasized: "Obesity surgery helps reduce health problems associated with excess weight. These surgical procedures alter a person's eating habits by reducing stomach volume or modifying the digestive system, resulting in reduced calorie intake and weight loss. Obesity surgery can provide a permanent solution to weight problems. Unlike other weight loss methods that offer temporary results, surgical intervention often ensures long-term weight loss, enhancing the patient's quality of life and reducing or eliminating obesity-related health issues for an extended period."

Excessive weight affects lifestyle

Semerci stated that excessive weight adversely affects an individual's quality of life, restricting physical activity, making daily activities difficult and potentially leading to psychological issues.

"Obesity surgery improves the patient's quality of life by helping alleviate such problems. However, obesity surgery is not suitable for everyone. Several factors need to be considered when deciding on surgery. Individuals need to consult a specialist to determine if they are suitable for such surgery. Additionally, the risks and benefits of surgical intervention should be thoroughly considered," he noted.

BMI above 40+

Providing information about individuals eligible for surgery, Semerci continued: "Generally, individuals considering obesity surgery must meet certain criteria. The body mass index (BMI) should be 40 or above. Those with a BMI between 35-39 may also be candidates for obesity surgery, especially if they have other obesity-related health issues, in which case surgery may be more appropriate. Before obesity surgery, individuals typically must have attempted diet and exercise for weight loss. However, if these efforts have been unsuccessful or if weight loss cannot be sustained in the long term, obesity surgery may be an option. Obesity surgery is generally not recommended for very young individuals or those unable to undergo general anesthesia. However, in some cases, it may be an option for individuals with severe obesity at a young age or those with obesity-related health issues."

Weight loss varies

Semerci emphasized that obesity surgeries are serious procedures for which individuals must be psychologically prepared.

"Individuals need to be aware of lifestyle changes and support needs post-surgery. Individuals considering obesity surgery should receive comprehensive information following a detailed evaluation of their condition and options with an obesity specialist or surgeon," he stated.

Pointing out that the amount of weight loss can vary from person to person depending on the procedure, Semerci said: "Following the procedure, individuals typically experience significant weight loss within the first year. However, the rate of weight loss varies for everyone and depends on the surgical method applied and how well the individual adheres to diet and lifestyle changes."

Exercise is key

Highlighting postoperative care requirements, Semerci said: "Patients usually need to make significant lifestyle changes following obesity surgery. This may involve adopting a healthier diet, engaging in regular exercise and improving other health habits. While some patients readily accept these changes, others may find them challenging."

Semerci stressed that postoperative happiness depends on many factors and varies for each patient.

"While some individuals experience great happiness and satisfaction after obesity surgery, others may feel unhappy due to reasons such as failure to achieve expected results or encountering difficulties post-surgery. Postoperative complications such as infections, nutritional issues and digestive problems can negatively affect a patient's happiness. Seeking psychological support after obesity surgery helps patients adapt and promotes emotional well-being," he noted.