More than 74K organ transplants made in Türkiye over 21 years
Health Minister Fahrettin Koca speaks during a news conference in Ankara, Türkiye, Jan. 24, 2020. (Reuters Photo)

According to Türkiye's Ministry of Health, more than 74,000 organ transplants were performed between 2002 to November 2023. The most transplanted organ was the kidney, with a total of 52,258 kidney transplants.

According to the data shared by the Ministry of Health within the framework of Organ Donation Week, observed on Nov. 3-9, the increase in organ and cornea transplant numbers in Türkiye presents a promising picture. The ministry stated that there is a growing societal awareness about organ donation, which has resulted in more patients finding a chance for treatment.

Among these transplants, 52,258 were kidney, 20,671 were liver, 1,210 were heart, 320 were lung, 198 were pancreas and 47 were small intestine. Additionally, corneal transplants reached 37,666 cases from 2010 to November 2023.

The Ministry of Health, emphasizing the vital importance of organ donation, reiterated that any individual over 18 and of sound mind can participate in organ donation.

In Türkiye, donors can donate their liver and kidneys. Donors can contribute officially by drawing up a will or obtaining an organ donation card from authorized institutions. Donations registered through the Organ and Tissue Transplantation Department's Information System can be easily viewed by citizens thanks to integration with the E-Government system.

In cases where individuals have not registered for organ donation during their lifetime, their organs can be harvested after death with the consent of their families. Organ transplantation is considered the last cure for many diseases. The Directorate of Religious Affairs in Türkiye stated in its 1980 announcement that organ transplantation is permissible and allowed in Islam.

The first kidney transplant in Türkiye was performed in 1968, followed by the first heart transplant in 1969, and the first successful living donor kidney transplant took place in 1975. Implementing the Organ Transplantation Law in 1979 boosted progress in the field.

Also, according to data released by the ministry, as of November 2023, 24,449 patients are waiting for kidney transplants, 2,600 patients are waiting for liver transplants, 1,422 patients are waiting for heart transplants, 204 patients are waiting for lung transplants, 277 patients are waiting for pancreas transplants and 4,119 patients waiting for cornea transplants in Türkiye.