Good observation vital to detect ADHD, hyperactivity in kids
Hyperactivity disorder in children could lead to academic, social and psychological problems later on if not detected and treated early. (Shutterstock Photo)

Noting that the incidence of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children is increasing, especially in preschool and primary school children, experts state that recovery is possible with early diagnosis and timely treatment.

The causes of ADHD, which is defined as a health problem accompanied by cognitive and behavioral problems manifested in attention deficit, mobility and excessive impulsivity, are not fully understood.

Researchers state that the causes of ADHD are risks such as genetic traits, brain damage, food and additives and psychosocial factors. ADHD is especially common in the primary school period. The incidence rate in children is 3% to 5%, and it is seen higher in boys than in girls.

ADHD, which is difficult to diagnose in early childhood, can cause academic, social and psychological problems if not detected and treated early. Children with ADHD may experience poor academic achievements as well as adaptation problems at school.

Explaining to Anadolu Agency (AA) how ADHD manifests itself in children, specialist clinical psychologist Filiz Çoban said that hyperactivity could be present if the child exhibits constant movement in the hands and feet, an inability to sit, the impulse to climb or run, uninterrupted movement, talking too much, impulsivity, inability to wait in line and answering before the question is finished.

She said that it can also be diagnosed through behaviors such as lack of attention, inability to pay attention to details, inability to concentrate on tasks and roles and avoiding tasks that require mental effort.

Çoban stated that an individual can have attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity disorder or both attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder.

Early diagnosis vital

Çoban stated that individuals with ADHD are very sensitive to external stimuli and often forget daily chores.

"In order to solve these problems that individuals with ADHD will experience throughout their educational life, first of all, students with ADHD should be identified in the first years of primary school," Çoban said.

"After the identification of students, their educational needs should be determined in order to determine how the diagnosis of ADHD affects students, and related skills should be developed accordingly. Early in the primary school years, a diagnosis will ensure that curricula are based on appropriate foundations, and it will affect the skill development of individuals in a positive way and prevent educational problems that may be experienced in further education levels," she explained.

Noting that ADHD can be seen in different ways depending on the developmental characteristics of each age period, Çoban made some recommendations to parents of children with ADHD.

"Early precautions should be taken. Observe your child well. For this, play a lot of games in the preschool period. It is necessary to be patient and understanding. Because children with ADHD act very impulsively at home, parents sometimes use punishments or even violent behavior," she said.

"It is not a problem with the child's character. You need to know that he or she is experiencing these because of biological reasons. Get information about your child and get tested. It is necessary to work in coordination with all support providers, such as physicians, teachers, parents, psychologists and special educators. Do not hesitate to seek expert help."

Stating that the most appropriate way to observe children is to play games, Çoban listed the games that can be played with children with ADHD.

"Hide an age and interest-appropriate toy in the room and let your child find it by saying 'hot' or 'cold.' Or you can ask your child to identify the desired item or animals in a picture. Ask them to recognize and identify the items you put in their hand with their eyes closed," she said.

For children who have difficulty waiting their turn, Çoban said: "You can play catch including their parents or siblings if there are any at home. Outside, you can play games such as hopscotch or dodgeball. While playing these games, you can extend or shorten the duration according to the child's age, interest and attention span."

Çoban emphasized that it is absolutely necessary to start treatment in children or adolescents with ADHD.

"If ADHD is not treated, it can lead to serious problems such as the child dropping out of school in the future, inability to maintain friendships, predisposition to substance use and smoking and depression in adulthood. With timely treatment, rapid effects and recovery are seen in individuals with ADHD."

'Lack of focus'

Specialist psychologist Hayal Kesimel said that attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder fall under the category of neurodevelopmental disorders.

Noting that they can be observed in children and adolescents, sometimes simultaneously, Kesimel said: "Individuals with attention deficit disorder do not pay attention to details, make mistakes all the time, have trouble maintaining their attention span, seem not to listen, have difficulty following commands, have organizational problems, avoid or dislike tasks that require intense thinking, lose possessions, are easily distracted or forget daily tasks."

Saying that the individual with a hyperactive-impulsive disorder often cannot stand still, Kesimel explained that: "The child's hands and feet are fidgety; they often have trouble sitting for a long time, run or climb, and are unable to remain still even as an adult. The child will be very active as if climbing a straight wall. He will talk a lot, give an answer before the other person finishes their question, has trouble doing tasks that require waiting and interrupts others."

Kesimel said that the symptoms in both groups discussed above can be seen together in individuals who experience both attention deficit and hyperactive-impulsive disorder.

'Difficult social relationships'

The official diagnosis of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder is made by a child or adolescent psychiatrist, the individuals diagnosed receive support with psychotherapy, psychoeducation and special education, according to the areas they have difficulty with.

Kesimel stated that children often express difficult emotions through unwanted behavior, and children diagnosed with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder may have a hard time maintaining social relationships.

"In the therapy process, it is very important for the family to observe the emotional needs of the child correctly, to take into account the methods applied in the company of experts and the feedback. Early diagnosis is also useful for attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, as in all cases," Kesimel said.

"In children who receive therapy appropriate for the diagnosis and an early diagnosis, there can be drastic improvements in the areas they have difficulty with. Functionality in daily life increases, social relations can improve and conflict resolution skills can enhance."