Cold water swimming could reduce menopause symptoms
Menopause symptoms can be physically and mentally exhausting for women. Swimming in cold water is considered one solution to help alleviate these symptoms. (Getty Images Photo)

According to a study, cold water swimming may relieve menopause symptoms like hot flashes, anxiety and mood swings, especially for those who swim longer or more frequently, researchers noted.

The survey of 1,114 women who regularly swam in cold water was conducted by University College London (UCL) academics. The age range spanned from 16 to 80, with most women aged between 45 and 59.

The 785 menopausal women in the group reported symptoms such as anxiety, poor concentration, hot flashes and night sweats. Some 46.9% said cold water swimming helped their anxiety while 34.5% said their mood swings had lessened.

A fifth reported a reduction in night sweats, while 31.1% said their hot flashes had lessened, and some 711 women reported menstrual symptoms such as tiredness, anxiety, mood swings, trouble sleeping and irritability.

Almost half (46.7%) said they believed the activity had improved their anxiety, along with 37.7% who reported a reduction in mood swings. Improved sleeping was reported by 21% of the women, while irritability lessened in 37.6%.

Researchers said swimming habits "varied overall" among the women, but those who swam more regularly or for longer periods were more likely to report a reduction in symptoms.

"Teaching women to swim safely and encouraging them to swim regularly may have a benefit on the debilitating symptoms associated with the perimenopause," they added.

Among those who reported a reduction in one or more symptoms said they swim specifically to help alleviate them. One 57-year-old woman who completed the survey said cold water is "phenomenal."

"It has saved my life," she added. "In the water, I can do anything. All symptoms (physical and mental) disappear and I feel like me at my best."

Senior author Joyce Harper from the UCL EGA Institute for Women’s Health said the findings, published in Post Reproductive Health, support claims about cold water swimming.

"Cold water has previously been found to improve moods and reduce stress in outdoor swimmers, and ice baths have long been used to aid athletes’ muscle repair and recovery.

"Our study supports these claims, meanwhile the anecdotal evidence also highlights how the activity can be used by women to alleviate physical symptoms, such as hot flushes, aches and pains.

"More research still needs to be done into the frequency, duration, temperature and exposure needed to elicit a reduction in symptoms.

"However, we hope our findings may provide an alternative solution for women struggling with menopause and encourage more women to take part in sports," she explained.

However, Harper urged caution when cold water swimming, adding: "Participants could put themselves at risk of hypothermia, cold water shock, cardiac rhythm disturbances or even drowning.

"Depending on where they are swimming, water quality standards may also vary. Raw sewage pollution is an increasingly common concern in U.K. rivers and seas. And, sadly, this can increase the likelihood of gastroenteritis and other infections."

Menopause specialist Dr. Louise Newson said the first line of treatment for menopause should be hormone replacement therapy (HRT), but a "holistic approach" is also important.

"Menopause is a long-term hormone deficiency and first-line treatment is replacing those hormones with HRT," she added.

"Many women, whether menopausal or not, find cold water swimming beneficial, especially for their mental health.

"It’s really important to take a holistic approach to perimenopause and menopause, including hormones, regular exercise, a balanced diet, prioritizing sleep and reducing stress."