3 steps to relax after a tough day at work
We're all aware that stress can lead to long-term health problems, and yet it's often hard to properly switch off after a tough day at work. (iStock Photo)

Once the day’s work is done, that's when the easy part comes, right? Not always, psychologists say, and in practice relaxing isn't so simple.

Taking a walk, reading a book and meeting up with friends all sound like great ways to switch off after a long day, and yet many of us still struggle to properly relax if it's been stressful at work, especially during this pandemic.

This can be a problem because the stress hormone cortisol, which ironically also allows you to work efficiently, is then not sufficiently reduced, says Julia Krampitz, a health expert specializing in workplace psychology in Germany.

In the long run, it’s not healthy if your thoughts continue to circle around work issues even long after you've shut down the computer. Only those who relax will truly be able to rest and recover.

Luckily, there are some tricks which can help you to do so.

1. Turn off your devices

The first step toward relaxation is at the same time the simplest and the toughest, and many will find it hard to follow: Turn off your computer and smartphone – OFF, and not just airplane mode.

And don’t just switch to another device like the TV instead. By switching off anything that's still giving you signals, a symbolic standby mode is created and your body and mind will be relieved.

2. Master your end-of-day routines

First, you put your smartphone in your bag, then tidy up your desk and turn off your computer. Then you put on your coat and say goodbye to your colleagues.

It's easy to underestimate the importance of how you leave the workplace. But by doing it consciously and with the same routine every time, you'll be communicating to your mind that work is really done now – no more churning thoughts about what you should have said in the meeting.

3. Find moments to yourself

You might have left your workplace, but that doesn't mean you've stopped working. Not only your actual job but also daily tasks like child care, cleaning and commuting will put a strain on your mind and body.

This is why taking small moments to yourself is so important – moments in which you enjoy a cup of your favorite drink or take a shower or bath. Whatever it is, conscious self-care is vital when it comes to relaxation.