6 mouthwatering apple recipes to keep the doctor away
An apple cake is easier and less time-consuming than baking an intricate pie. (iStock Photo)

Does an apple a day keep the doctor away? Considering its nutritional value packed with vitamins B, C and K, it surely could. So here are some delicious ways to enjoy the juicy fruit of autumn

It's not officially fall until I see a wide selection of apples, from sweet and softish to hard and juicy, decorate trees and slowly dominate stalls at farmers' markets. Not only is this little hand-sized superfood a filling and delicious snack, but according to experts, it is also a great little helper to protect against heart diseases by helping to lower cholesterol levels.

Besides its numerous health benefits, apples can also help maintain a diet high in fiber, which helps with the digestive system. Apples are considered to be some of the most fiber-rich foods at 4.4 grams of fiber per serving and hence should be consumed regularly. Fiber helps assist in water retention in the stool, preventing constipation. Apples will also give you 10% of your daily dose of vitamin C at around 8-9 milligrams per apple.

Besides its nutritional value, apples are also handy in the pantry, as they can be used to ripen other fruit as they emit ethylene – a gas that helps speed up the ripening process. Conversely, if you don't want your fruit to too ripen too soon, keep them away from other types of fruit (yes, my bananas have suffered that fate).

Now let’s dig into the many ways we can enjoy this delicious fruit:

Powdered sugar is great to top off a classic apple cake. (iStock Photo)
Classic apple cake

When the word apple comes up, it is almost exclusively paired with the word "pie," but I want to stray from the norm and suggest a cake. This cake couldn’t be more simple to make. With its fluffy dough and fresh fruit, this cake is great for any occasion. For this recipe, you’ll need to get yourself some sour apples to enhance the flavor of the dessert.
