Follow the flock: Sheep flock circles barn for 12 days straight
A flock of sheep form a circle in Baotou, China, Nov. 4, 2022. (Reuters Photo)

Sheep do like to keep flocking, and these flocks could lead to interesting images as the flock might be acting without much reason. One such instance happened at a farm in China's Baotou, as a flock of sheep began moving in a circular pattern – and kept moving like that for the better part of 12 days straight.

The unexplained phenomenon happened on the 13th barn of the 34 barns on the farm. Miao, the owner of the animals, said that at first a few sheep began to circle, and then the whole flock joined.

Listeriosis disease is known to cause such circling behavior in sheep, which is why it is also known as "circling disease," but the state-run newspaper People's Daily noted that the sheep were healthy and the reason for the behavior is unknown.