Essential facts on diagnosing adult ADHD
Some 80% of adults with ADHD have a coexisting condition, and 60% have two or more, including depression, anxiety disorders and addiction. (Getty Images Photo)

When a child receives a diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), parents often reassess their own emotions and behavior, considering the possibility that they may also have unrecognized ADHD. The familial link to ADHD prompts many adults to seek testing after their child's diagnosis. Dr. Matthias Rudolph, a specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, highlights that an ADHD diagnosis for a child can serve as the initial motivation for adults to undergo testing.

And for a good reason, because ADHD is a genetically determined, neurobiological, metabolic disorder in which the brain is hypersensitive to sensory stimulation. There's an imbalance of the neurotransmitters dopamine and noradrenaline. Adult ADHD symptoms can include inattentiveness, impulsiveness and low frustration tolerance and sometimes also restlessness, forgetfulness and daydreaming.

Some ADHD sufferers typically act based on their "gut feeling," have frequent mood swings and are liable to end a relationship or quit their job abruptly. Others throw themselves into sports, particularly extreme sports. Alcohol or drug abuse isn't uncommon, the latter not because of the "kick."

"Some ADHD sufferers take drugs to treat their condition themselves," says neurologist Dr Carolin Zimmermann.

A further symptom is "losing the thread," as Rudolph puts it. Many ADHD sufferers have trouble systematically planning their day, and they often misplace objects such as keys, their smartphones and credit cards.

On the other hand, many can focus intensely on things they find exciting. They're perfect crisis managers and at their best when others are at their wit's end. "This is why many of them are active in the arts or show business, work in IT or startups," Zimmermann said.

Women are less likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than men are, according to Rudolph, largely due to prevailing gender stereotypes/expectations: Boys are noisy and fidgety, girls quiet and dreamy. "But if you take a closer look, this isn't always true," he said.

The biggest difference between the sexes when it comes to ADHD, he says, is that men tend to present their symptoms externally and see their misconduct as the fault of others, while women tend to internalize their symptoms and blame themselves. As a result, "many women come to me with depression or anxiety."

Eighty percent of adults with ADHD have a coexisting condition, and 60% have two or more, Rudolph says. Among them are depression, anxiety disorders and addiction.

To be tested for ADHD, you can see a neurologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist or specialist in psychosomatic medicine. However, It would be best to have patience because you may have to wait many months for an appointment.

It's a good idea to see your GP first, who can make an initial assessment and perhaps refer you to a suitable doctor. Together, you can fill out a self-screening questionnaire prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) to determine whether you might have adult ADHD.

You can also review teachers' remarks on your old primary school reports together if you still have them. Both Rudolph and Zimmermann ask to see them whenever someone comes to their surgery to be evaluated for adult ADHD, as symptoms start in early childhood and continue into adulthood.

Giving the doctor a list of your symptoms can also be helpful, Zimmermann said.

If the diagnosis is positive, treatment of your ADHD will consist of several elements. Medications are important, often complemented by cognitive behavioral therapy aimed at helping you to structure your life better. Other elements can include occupational therapy, sports and self-help groups.