Turkish Kangal dogs reflect climate change in fur, health
Hüseyin Yıldız, an expert Kangal dog breeder, brushes the fur of a Kangal dog, Sivas, Türkiye, Oct. 1, 2024. (IHA Photo)

Rising temperatures due to global warming are causing the famous Kangal dogs, known for their distinctive porcelain-white coats, to develop a yellowish tint. This phenomenon highlights the broader impact of climate change on animal species and their physical characteristics.

Kangal dogs are celebrated for their resilience and loyalty, but recent observations indicate significant changes in their fur due to climate fluctuations. According to Hüseyin Yıldız, an expert Kangal dog breeder, the dogs’ once-thick and coarse fur is now thinning and discoloring.

"The thinning of their fur has resulted in a breakdown of their protective barrier," Yıldız explained. "Just as global warming has caused changes in humans, it has induced even more significant alterations in animals. The density of their fur is decreasing considerably. With thick layers of fat beneath the skin, their insulation has been compromised, resulting in a thinner coat of about 1-1.5 centimeters. It’s as if they are adapting to a climate similar to that of Africa."

In addition to the thinning fur, Yıldız noted that the Kangal dogs' coloration is shifting toward yellow as temperatures rise. "The color of every breed adapts to its environment and Kangals are no exception; their fur is turning yellow with increased heat. While their breed characteristics remain unchanged, they adapt their living habits accordingly."

Yıldız emphasized the intelligence of Kangal dogs, stating: "This breed possesses remarkable intelligence, allowing them to harmonize with nature. They can manipulate their characteristics not just in favor of nature but to their own advantage. Consequently, they have become less active in the heat, increased their water intake, and sought out cooler, shaded areas. Their appetite has decreased as they conserve energy, prioritizing shelter over activity."

The changes observed in Kangal dogs serve as a reflection of the challenges faced by many animal species in adapting to a rapidly changing climate.