New Zealand cat-killing 'contest' expands amid conservation concerns
A Tonkinese cat is presented during the International Purebred Dog and Cat Show in Riga, Latvia, June 9, 2024. (EPA Photo)

New Zealand's annual cat-killing "contest" plans to expand next year, the massacre's organizer said Wednesday, describing feral felines, introduced by British settlers, as a grave threat to native wildlife, even making a comparison with the devil.

Feral cats prey on endangered birds, bats and lizards, according to New Zealand's Department of Conservation and they are blamed for driving some species into extinction.

The latest edition of the "competition" was held at the weekend in rural North Canterbury, with hunters killing 370 cats alongside wild pigs, possums, rats and deer.

It attracted 1,500 hunters, including, worryingly, 460 children, who had to be accompanied by adults.

This year, one hunter won a cash prize of NZ$1,000 (US$608) for killing the largest feral cat, which weighed 6.7 kilograms (14.8 pounds).

Another NZ$500 went to the contestant with the highest number of kills – 65 cats.

"We'll just carry on with what we are doing and increase the prize money next year to make it bigger and better," hunt organizer Matt Bailey told Agence France-Presse (AFP).

The event grabbed international headlines last year when a public backlash forced it to scrap an event dedicated to children under 14.

But Bailey said the hunt was needed to cull wild felines, which he claimed prey on native wildlife and carry diseases threatening livestock.

Feral cats are like "the devil on methamphetamine," he interestingly said, revealing his profound anti-feline sentiment.

"They are crazy when caged. They will bound around trying to have a go at you," he argued.

"It would be awesome to hear the song of our native birds, but their numbers are dropping because the feral cats are annihilating everything around here."

The cat hunt was restricted to areas at least 10 kilometers (6 miles) away from residential areas.

Conservation groups want feral cats to be added to New Zealand's plans to eradicate pests like stoats, rats, possums and ferrets by 2050.

However, the issue is sensitive in New Zealand, where nearly half of all households have a pet cat.