Just waking up, bat intrudes elderly couple's home in Turkey
The dwarf bat that entered an elderly couple's house receives treatment in Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, April 1, 2022. (AA Photo)

A drowsy dwarf bat that had just woken up from hibernation broke into an elderly couple's house in Afyonkarahisar in western Turkey. When the couple realized that there was a bat in their house they called the 112 emergency call center and asked for help.

Upon the emergency call, the 5th Regional Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks (DKMP) teams were dispatched to the region. The teams that came to the house caught the bat using special equipment.

"During the first examination, we discovered that the bat was sleepy," explained in the statement made by the DKMP after the incident.

"The bats that live in the city are mammals that feed on insects, and they play a big role in controlling flies," the statement added.

Following the examination, it was determined that it was a pygmy bat (Pipistrellus).

The dwarf bat that entered an elderly couple's house is treated and fed, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, April 1, 2022. (AA Photo)

The teams delivered the animal to the Afyon Kocatepe University Wildlife Rescue Rehabilitation Training Application and Research Center (AKÜREM).

AKÜREM Director Emine Hesna Kandır told Anadolu Agency (AA) that 36 bat species have been recorded in Turkey in studies carried out so far.

Stating that the blood-sucking bat species are not commonly found in Turkey, Kandır said: "Bats play a role in pollinating plants, spreading seeds and balancing insect populations, depending on their biological characteristics. These nocturnal creatures hibernate." She also added that bats could be encountered more, especially this season.

"The couple in their 70s, who noticed the bat when their cat caught their attention, was very considerate to contact DKMP officials and hand over the bat. Do not panic if a bat enters your house. It will not harm you. It will be more afraid of you. If it enters your house by mistake, stay calm, open all the windows," she said.

"Turn off the lights and devices that emit sound such as radio and television, wait for them to leave. If you need help, call 112. They will contact you and deliver the animal to AKÜREM," Kandır advised.