Ride shares might ease Istanbul's heavy traffic

Istanbul is known for its history, natural beauty and unbearable traffic. Home to some 15 million people, Istanbul and its roads carry the heavy burden of the increasing population. To find a permanent solution to the city's traffic problem, ride share has been suggested by Hakan Yaralı, general manager of Ring Servis. Yaralı claims that this method can also help reduce environmental pollution and promote economic growth.

"Istanbul's population increases between 1.3 and 1.9 percent every year, and the rising population creates traffic problems, as well. While the municipality and government continue to build new metro lines, roads and other means of public transportation to ease traffic congestion, we should also work on innovative solutions as well," said Yaralı.

According to Yaralı, ride share is an easy way to reduce traffic jams by encouraging people to commute together in the same car, which would in turn reduce both the number of cars on the road and travel costs.