Two small children have lightened up a serious television interview on a weighty subject by barging into their dad's office while he was on the air.
Professor videobombed live by own children on BBC interview goes viral
— DAILY SABAH (@DailySabah) March 10, 2017
Video courtesy of BBC
Professor Robert E. Kelly was talking to the BBC from South Korea on Friday to discuss the ouster of that country's president when a small child danced into the room apparently unconcerned about the interview.
The BBC anchor took notice and alerted Kelly. As Kelly was trying to shoo the child away, a baby scooted into the room in a walker.
Kelly laughed and apologized as a woman frantically dashed in to grab the kids. She later crawled back to shut the door.
Kelly was able to finish the interview, despite the sounds of a screaming child in the background.