Athletes to run for peace on Gallipoli Peninsula

On Oct. 2, a four-category marathon will take place on the historic Gallipoli with the motto "Barış için Koşuyoruz" (We are running for peace). Sponsored by Turkcell, Gallipoli Marathon's second edition will gather professional athletes that will run a 42-kilometer marathon, starting from the Morto Bay at 11:00 a.m. Athletes will run through Alçıtepe Village and come back to Morto Bay to the finish the line.

The half-marathon will take place on the same day, again from Morto Bay. The athletes will tour around the running platform only once and return to the start line.

Another category will be the 10-kilometer run for which participating athletes will pass the Redoubt Cemetery dedicated to British soldiers. The final category will be the public run, expecting high interest from people of all ages. It will start from Morto Bay and the participants will run 5 kilometers. Following the event, saplings will be planted for each athlete and a peace-theme forest will be created.

Gallipoli Marathon will end with an official award ceremony. Visit to register for the event.