Breakups cause women to go shopping, study finds

A study conducted in the United Kingdom, which included more than 2,000 women, demonstrated that women tend to go shopping after a breakup or divorce. Spending money and buying new things are seen as therapy for unhappy women. Güçlü Kayral, the founder of, said in a press statement that women feel regret after spending money while shopping, but consider it something that makes them feel relaxed. Another interesting result is that women also tend to shop online as soon as they get their salaries or have a bad day at work. Kayral said a woman can spend at least TL 200 ($66.16) if they feel unhappy. Every one in 10 women also revealed that their mood influences their shopping experience. Also, 53 percent of the participants said online shopping is a type of entertainment. The main reasons behind going shopping are usual, but one in three women say they go window-shopping for entertainment.