Tire museum: Yes, it does actually exist

Established by a tire company, a museum in the province of Kocaeli exhibits the journey of the wheel, an innovation that has changed the course of history. Located in the facility of tire firm Brisa, Brisa Museum has five different sections designed under the theme "journey." Showcasing the main raw materials used in manufacturing tires, the museum has interactive sections, where visitors learn more about the manufacturing process and related mechanisms. Visitors learn the difference between summer and winter tires as well as tire pressure, the effects of changes in tire balance on driving and how road conditions and speed affect the durability of tires and innovations in tire technologies. Special information is also available for children to raise their awareness of driving from an early age. Nilgün Özkan, the human resources and corporate development director, told Anadolu Agency that the company, which has shown sustainable growth for the last 40 years, tries to create value, while contributing to society.Özkan said they want to share their 40-year-old history through the museum. "We share information about tire production and technologies to our visitors. There are also certain sections on safe driving and traffic," she said. She said visitors learn how to save fuel by choosing the right tire."When they come to the museum, they learn how tire pressure and balance are important. Many people do not have much knowledge about tires. The museum has different themes that attract both adults and children. Apart from our customers, we would like to see local people here. Tires are important for the security of our families on the road. The museum is an attempt to raise awareness toward safe driving and traffic," she said. The Birsa Museum exhibits sculptures made of tires created by workers.