Mountaineers climb Mount Ararat for peace

Eleven members of the Van-based Vadi Doğa Sports Club, climbed Mount Ararat to condemn war around the world and give messages of peace. Following a three-day climb, the mountaineers reach the summit of Mount Ararat, which sits at 5,137 meters. Highlighting the importance of peace and brotherhood, the mountaineers unfurled the national flags of Turkey and Palestine. Speaking to Anadolu Agency (AA), board member of the sports club Ömer Demez said that they climbed Mount Ararat to raise awareness of nature and give the world a message of peace. He said that they condemn the forest fire that broke out on Mount Judi and the terrorist attack in Suruç that killed 32 people. He stressed the significance of peace and said: "War, terror, death and grudges are nothing but hatred. On the other hand, peace is a concept that gives people a sense of security and happiness while protecting their right to life. Each individual and society should be against war." He said that everybody has to work hard to restore peace, and continued: "God created everything so that human beings can maintain a prosperous life and he commands not to harm and betray this creation. However, humankind is both betraying its own kind and other living creatures. It does not give right to life to others. We condemn setting the forests on fire regardless of the reasons. We also condemn the massacre in Suruç and share the loss and pain of the 32 people."