Man leaves $3,000 tip for waitress on $43.50 bill in New York
| Twitter/ReesSpecht Life Photo

A man named Mike from New York, who asked to remain anonymous, left a waitress $3,000 on a $43.50 check to help combat an eviction notice that the woman was recently served."This woman has been serving us for almost a year now. She is a lovely individual and she talked about how she was served an eviction notice last month," Mike told ABC News.The man also left her a note explaining that a project called ReesSpecht Life had inspired him to do this, referring to a pay-it-forward movement started by Mike's eighth-grade science teacher, Rich Specht.After Specht's 22-month-old son drowned in the family's backyard, he and his wife started a pay-it-forward foundation to thank everyone who helped them after their son's funeral, ABC news reported."We wanted to pay them back, and no one would take anything in return. We thought, "if no one will let us pay it back, we'll pay it forward,'" Specht told ABC News. He added that the campaign still keeps growing and people share their stories on their website."I get excited even when someone buys a coffee for someone else and shares it with us," he said.