Bio-smugglers from various countries fined by ministry

The Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs has imposed a fine of TL 2,803,000 ($1,127,605) on 96 people for bio-smuggling in the last seven years, totaling 52 cases between 2007 and 2014.Bio-smuggling mostly occurs in provinces that are rich in bio-diversity. Most of these cases took place in the eastern Black Sea Region, in eastern Anatolia and southeast Anatolia. While foreign smugglers coming from European countries such as Denmark, France, Hungary, the Netherlands as well as Japan attempt to smuggle plant and bird species from Syria, those from the Czech Republic, Russia and Germany attempt to smuggle various reptiles, butterfly and other insect species.The Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs imposes fines on bio-smugglers and intends to also impose administrative and judiciary sanctions. Moreover, they seek public support by raising awareness of bio-smuggling.As Turkey is rich in plant as well as biogenetic diversity (including 34 percent of plant species that are endemic to Turkey – meaning they are indigenous to the country), it is a center of attraction for smugglers. The rich flora of Turkey also enables various animals to easily find shelter and create a natural habitat for themselves.The Minister of Forestry and Water Affairs, Veysel Eroğlu, underscored the fact that the public must be aware of bio-smuggling. "Protecting our natural riches and preventing parties from stealing what they want from nature without permission is our duty," Eroğlu said. Stressing the importance of fighting against bio-smuggling, the minister asked citizens for their help to stop others from destroying Turkey's ecology. He said that those who see suspicious people collecting live samples from nature should call the gendarmerie's Emergency Line (156) and inform authorities.