The greatest gift is your presence, not your presents

They say love is blind and who better to verify the truth of this statement than your mother. She loved you in the darkness of her womb, long before you took form. The style of your hair, the color of your eyes or the level of your success never defined her love. The sleepless nights she stayed awake comforting the cries.She wiped away the crocodile tears as though they meant the world while mending the broken heart and bruised ego. She did this selflessly, tirelessly and endlessly without getting exhausted, without giving up and without letting go. She did this every day till the moment you were ready to fly, and continues to think of you in your absence. And now we dedicate one day in a year to celebrate her efforts.Stores around the world overremind you to love your mother. They color the storefronts pink, heavily reduce items and advise in magazines on what would make her most happy. But in reality, it isn't the size of your gift or the price tag that is attached to it that would make her most happy. It is your presence.It is letting her know that you are endlessly grateful and letting her in to your life. It is the memories you create and love you show every day. Exchanging gifts is an expression of your love, but why not personalize it and make it something from the heart that will last longer than the duration of ripping open the gift wrapping. Coupon Book Make your mother a coupon book. She is forever running around and doing things that go unnoticed, leaving her with little time to do the things that she wants to do. Compose a coupon book of the chores she normally covers, allowing her to use these coupons (to the tasks you will have to carry out) when she wishes. This will not only give you a greater understanding of what she does, give her time to herself, but also, extend the gift to beyond a single day. Pamper package Every woman loves to be pampered, and though there may be phenomenal offers out there at five star hotels, opt for the DIY version of this event and organize a night in with your mother. The nail polish of your manicure may not be smooth, the pedicure may not be polished, the facemask may have you looking like Casper but it's the time you spend together that will be most appreciated.A rom-com for the evening and a bowl of buttered popcorn might be the very things she needs. Be sure to ask her of her favorite stories of you growing up. There is bound to be a few embarrassing ones she may have to use on your wedding day. Moments in time After a lovely breakfast, bring out the photo albums and remember those moments. Compile a photo collage of your happy snaps. Remember to share the story behind the moment.