A good sleep key to beauty

Keeping up one's appearance goes beyond using creams, lotions and powders. A good night's sleep, which is often the most neglected beauty routine, can be the missing link. Here are eight simple tips you can apply in your sleep which will leave you looking younger, feeling fresher and revitalized come morning

ISTANBUL – Money is no object when it comes to maintaining youth and beauty.The options you have and choices you have to make are endless. Will it be a gentle scrub, exfoliation, or foam to wash your face? The most expensive creams, lotions with ingredients you can't pronounce, the finest foundation and the prettiest colors to beautify your face and keep it looking fresh are not often spared. And this is only your routine by day. You may think you're off the clock when it comes to your beauty routine while you sleep, but your sleep may be the missing link to the beauty routine. "Beauty sleep is essential for repairing the skin," says Dr. Debra Jaliman, a New York City dermatologist. Getting sufficient sleep at night can help protect your mental and physical health along with the quality of your life. The way you feel when you are awake often depends on the quality of shuteye you got from the night before. 1. Sleep on a satin or silk pillowcase Aside from feeling like the Queen of Sheba, a satin or silk pillow will prevent your face from looking and feeling like sandpaper. It feels better on the skin because the material glides easily while you toss and turn, preventing creasing and wrinkles. Also, the fibers will keep you from waking up with a bird's nest on top of your head, avoiding that embarrassing "cow lick" look.2. Sleep on your back Speaking of wrinkles, sleeping on your back can help nip them in the bud before they even start to form. The pressure on the skin caused by numerous nights of your face squished in the pillow will lead to set in lines. In fact, sleeping on one particular side may set in more wrinkles to one side of your face than the other.3 Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize For a fresh, dewy look in the morning, make sure to use an anti-aging night cream that contains hyaluronic acid. It attracts water into the skin, which helps smooth wrinkles. Applying lip balm on your lips, a night beauty cream or serum will work at its best when your skin is repairing itself while you sleep. 4. Change your pillowcases oftenWash your pillowcases frequently, so that nasty bacteria are not kissing your face come morning time. The eight hours of close contact with your pillow should ideally be one that is clean and hygienic. You should not only change your pillowcases twice a week, but flip your pillows over on days you're not changing them. 5. Sleep with a humidifier on You probably already know that drinking tons of water is good for your skin, but since you can't do that in your sleep, try using a humidifier to keep yourself hydrated at night. This is especially helpful during the winter, when your skin tends to be much drier. 6. Stay away from super-salty foods and alcohol around bedtime It is a known fact that alcohol dehydrates your body and to compensate it starts collecting natural fluids around the eyes, among other places. This is also applicable to the concept of salt. Overdosing on such substances will lead to the dreadful puffy eye look. 7. Wear your hair up but not in a super- tight bun It is a good idea to keep your hair out of your face while you are sleeping to keep its natural oils from wreaking havoc on your complexion but avoid pulling it into a really tight bun or ponytail because that can cause hair breakage, especially around the hairline. A silk night cap might actually be the way to go. No comment on its appeal, but at least you can wake up with a pretty face and your hairdo intact. 8. Go to bed with a clean face The remnants of last night's eyeliner should not be evident on your cheeks the following morning. Panda eyes are never in fashion and don't look like they ever will be.Last night's makeup is bound to leave your face looking a bit on the funky side. Giving that bacteria a reason to multiply resulting in clogged pores could lead to breakouts. 9. Remove your makeup at night"So many people sleep with their makeup on and wonder why they wake up with funky eye gunk in the morning," Emily Kate Warren, a New York City makeup artist, told Good Housekeeping magazine.Apart from eye buildup, not taking off your makeup before sleep causes pore-clogging, which can lead to breakouts. Keeping a well-balanced routine is something you deserve. Getting sufficient sleep is no exception.The importance of sleep extends to beyond the moment the sun sets and the moon rises. Many cultures have taken this to another level. The "nanna nap" known as the '"siesta" in Spain, "inemuri" in the Japanese culture, the "riposo" with the Italians and the "qayloola" in Islamic culture takes sleep to a whole new level.