100 steps every 30 minutes and other ergonomics tips for working from home during COVID-19 lockdown and after
Doing stretches regularly at your desk can help ease the stiffness in your muscles. (iStock Photo)

With the novel coronavirus wreaking havoc all around the world, most people are glad to be working from home. Though as relaxing as it may seem to work from the comfort of your own bed or of your couch, eventually, your body will say enough to all the hunching over and makeshift lap-desk. Research shows that poor posture can cause severe pain, which may call for physical therapy to go away. Aside from that, the correct posture and routine during work hours will not only improve your mindset but also make work much more productive.

Here are a few tips from Technopc and ergonomics experts on how to make your work-from-home experience comfier and better for your back.

Say bye to tech neck

First off, ditch the coffee table or your lap. Try to use the dinner table if you do not have a desk and try to sit as straight as possible. If the monitor is too low try putting a few books under it to raise it to the right level to alleviate neck pain.


Having the right lighting is essential as well. If the place you work at is too dark, your eyes will be strained, and the same goes if it is just way too bright. Balance the light with curtains and additional lamps. Make good use of the "night mode" on your computer, which changes the tint of the monitor to yellow instead of harsh white or blue, therefore reducing the strain on your peepers. No strain on the eyes also means avoiding the nasty headache that accompanies hours spent in front of screens. And another thing that you might not realize right away: the eyes blink less while staring at a screen, so try to blink more consciously. Slowly close your eyes a few times whenever you remember it. If that doesn’t help with the dryness or sharp pain, you can always use some artificial tears.

The best position is the next position

Now back to posture. As essential as it is to sit straight, you shouldn’t be stuck in just one position. Change it up every now and then and see which one works for you best. Leaning back might be good while reading but the same doesn’t go for writing a piece. Also, keep everything within reach. The mouse, keyboard, your phone or other equipment you might need during work should be easily accessible without straining your limbs or bending over.

Body movin', body movin'

Even if you find the best position to work in, you should frequently get up and walk around. Every half an hour, take 100 steps. If you have a phone call you need to make, try walking around while doing so. It might be distracting to get up and do that walk at first but it will help ease the stiffness in your joints and muscles as well as helping the mind wander a little. And while you’re doing that walk try to look at a point as far away as possible. Especially a tree or some kind of foliage will allow the eyes to rest. If you do not have that kind of opportunity, find yourself a small green friend. Succulents don’t need too much care and will still make you happy at your workplace, be it at home or in the office.

Too much tech?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that unfortunately many people working at their PCs all day are familiar with. To avoid developing the condition, you should try to keep your wrists in the correct form and as straight as possible. Aside from regularly stretching the fingers and arms and taking regular rest breaks, you can also try to change the hand you work within cases applicable. And besides, you don’t need to be ambidextrous to learn to use the mouse with both hands!