2 French Daesh suspects caught on Syrian border

Turkish gendarme troops caught two members of the terrorist group Daesh near a village on Turkey's border with Syria. Authorities said the suspects, identified as French nationals R.L. and S.İ., had red notices or international arrest warrants issued against them. They had crossed into Turkey through the border when troops stopped them. A court in the border province Kilis remanded the duo in custody. Anadolu Agency (AA) reported that suspected militants were of Moroccan origin.

Daesh, which killed dozens of people in attacks targeting Turkey, heavily relies on foreign fighters. Embattled by continuous operations in Syria and Iraq, the number of its members has dwindled in the last two years.

Since November 2017, Turkey has stopped more than 5,040 foreigners looking to join Daesh by crossing into Syria and Iraq through Turkey and sent them back to their countries of origin. Security forces have also foiled 10 attack plots.