More than 50,000 jailed for links to July 15 FETÖ coup attempt

More than 50,000 people have been imprisoned in Turkey for links to the failed July 2016 coup attempt carried out by the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ), Justice Minister Bekir Bozdağ said on Friday.

Speaking to reporters in the central province of Yozgat, Bozdağ said 50,504 people are held in prison on coup charges. Officials have carried out judicial procedures against 168,801 suspects since the coup attempt last year, he added.

He said that a further 615 suspects have been arrested and arrest warrants are still out for 8,069 others. Moreover, 48,371 people have been released under judicial supervision, of whom 8,551 were released after being remanded to custody and 433 others were released without judicial supervision, he said.

Since the coup attempt last year, Turkey has arrested tens of thousands of suspected FETÖ supporters and dismissed more than 100,000 public servants from positions in the government.

Fetullah Gülen, the U.S.-based leader of FETÖ, is the prime suspect in the coup and faces life imprisonment if he is extradited, which Ankara has requested from Washington. Prosecutors say Adil Öksüz, a fugitive FETÖ member who was briefly detained when he was captured at Akıncı Air Base in Ankara, plotted the coup with FETÖ infiltrators in the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and executed the putsch after Gülen approved it.

Separately, Deputy Prime Minister Nurettin Canikli announced on Friday that 965 companies with total annual sales of about TL 21.9 billion ($6 billion) have been seized or appointed trustees since the coup attempt. Authorities seek to cut off funds to the terrorist group, which controls a network of companies and schools around the world.