Court approves FETÖ-linked footballer charges

An Istanbul court on Friday accepted an indictment against the "soccer structure" of the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ), a network accused of instigating the July 15 military coup.The indictment, which was prepared by Istanbul Public Prosecutor Mehmet Senay Baygin and submitted to the city's 23rd High Penal Court, accuses former footballers İsmail Demiriz, Arif Erdem and Uğur Tütüneker of being linked to FETÖ. Prosecutors demand up to 15 years in jail for the suspects on charges of "being members of an armed terror group."The 92-page charge sheet states that Demiriz was previously detained, while Tütüneker was released under judicial restrictions. Erdem is on the run.It also includes a statement from footballer Sait Alpsoy, a long-standing imam and former leading figure in FETÖ's sport network. Alpsoy left the group in 2010. According to Alpsoy's statement, FETÖ appointed a responsible person for footballers who invited them to sohbet (periodic gatherings). The gatherings started in 2000 and were later supported by FETÖ-linked businessmen.The first hearing in the case starts Feb. 24 in Istanbul.Turkey accuses the FETÖ terror network of a long-running campaign to overthrow the state by infiltrating Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police and judiciary.According to the government, cult leader Fetullah Gülen masterminded the July 15 failed coup, which left 248 people dead and nearly 2,200 injured.