Ties between Gülenists and general under spotlight

Investigators found Adil Öksüz, a fugitive member of the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ) and alleged mastermind of the July 15 coup plot, and his collaborator were in close contact with a general running a military airport in western Turkey.According to a report in the Milliyet daily, three men frequently phoned each other although Kemal Batmaz, an alleged co-conspirator who coordinated the coup attempt with officers loyal to the terrorist group, denied he knew Adil Öksüz. Adil Öksüz was among the civilians captured at Akıncı military base in Ankara after the coup attempt was quelled while the presence of Batmaz, now in prison, was detected after security camera footage showing him with coup troops in the base has recently surfaced.Batmaz, allegedly in a higher rank in FETÖ than Öksüz, who was released hours after his detention in a controversial court verdict, has long denied he knew Öksüz with whom he traveled to the United States. The report in Milliyet says two men had made 925 phone calls to each other in total and both was in close contact with Recep Ünal, a general at a military air base in Eskişehir, west of Ankara, before the coup attempt, each placing calls to Ünal for dozens of times.Prosecutors are now looking into the connections of both men with other pro-coup officers. According to testimonies of secret witnesses in the cases against coup officers, Adil Öksüz drafted the plot for the military coup in a villa in Ankara where he convened with top military brass linked to the terror cult.Authorities believe he was key to the coup plot and had the approval of Gülen after masterminding the coup plot with fellow Gülenists.